DGPPN 2018 Programm
SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME 301 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Q&A Modul S-224 (e) Symposium 08:30– 10:00 h | Room M6 TOPIC 13: Brain imaging, neurophysiology, neuropsychology The social brain in neuropsychiatric disorders Chairs: Marina Pavlova, Tübingen (Germany) Andreas J. Fallgatter, Tübingen (Germany) 001 Sex, time, and the social brain in neuropsychiatric disorders Marina Pavlova, Tübingen (Germany) 002 Neural mechanisms of inter-subjec- tivity Kai Vogeley, Cologne (Germany) 003 More than just a face: how including multiple social signals allows a deeper un- derstanding of neuropsychiatric diseases Beatrice de Gelder, Maastricht (The Netherlands) 004 Towards precision treatments for autism(s) Kevin Pelphrey, Washington (USA) S-225 (e) Symposium 08:30– 10:00 h | Room Weimar 5 TOPIC 22: Health care research and models The future of the art therapy › Section Health Care Professions Chairs: Kathrin Seifert, Ottersberg (Germany) Thomas Becker, Günzburg (Germany) 001 Dancing the blues – an interdiscipli- nary project Vicky Karkou, Lancashire (United Kingdom) 002 A general view on the emerging practices and the future of art therapy from the UK context Jill Westwood, London (United Kingdom) 003 Trauma work and art therapy Patricia Fenner, Bundoora, VIC (Australia) 004 Art therapy in pain management Constanze Schulze, Ottersberg (Germany) ST-36 (e) State-of-the-Art-Symposium 10:15– 11:45 h | Hall A4 TOPIC 1: Neurocognitive disorders, organic mental disorders, dementia, F0 Dementia Chairs: Frank Jessen, Cologne (Germany) Lutz Frölich, Mannheim (Germany) 001 Biomarker criteria for Alzheimer's disease – relevance for clinical practice Frank Jessen, Cologne (Germany) 002 Treatment of Alzheimer's dis- ease – today and in the foreseeable future Lutz Frölich, Mannheim (Germany) S-228 (e) Symposium 10:15– 11:45 h | Hall A2 TOPIC 3: Psychotic disorders, F2 Drug addiction in schizophrenia: medi- um spiny neurons and brain structures adaptations in response to antipsychot- ics and psychotistimulants Chairs: Andreas Heinz, Berlin (Germany) Davide Amato, Charleston (USA) 001 Role of D1 and D2 medium spiny neurons responses to psychotistimulants and antipsychotics: understading drug addiction vulnerability in schizophrenia Davide Amato, Charleston (USA) 002 Is the irresistible urge to stop anti- psychotic treatment a kind of addictive behavioral?Clinical and neurobiological aspects Tom Bschor, Berlin (Germany) 003 The antipsychotic dependent brain: structural brain plasticity following chronic antipsychotic exposure in in a model of maternal immune activation Anthony Vernon, London (United Kingdom) 004 Dopamine dysfunction in schizo- phrenia and addiction: clinical conse- quences for comorbid patients Andreas Heinz, Berlin (Germany)
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