DGPPN 2018 Programm
POSTER PRESENTATIONS 312 WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 016 Prenatal programming of newborn telomere length through maternal pro- inflammatory state during pregnancy Claudia Lazarides, Berlin (Germany) Elissa S. Epel, Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Claudia Buss, Hyagriv N. Simhan, Pathik D. Wadhwa, Sonja Entringer 017 To share or not to share? Evaluation of a program to support disclosure deci- sions among suicide attempt survivors Nathalie Oexle, Ulm (Germany) Lindsay Sheehan 018 Is it the moon? Effects of lunar cycle on psychiatric admissions and length of stay: a 10-year naturalistic observational study Andres Schneeberger, Chur (Switzerland) Daniele Nolan, Rahul Gupta P-28 (e) Poster Presentation 13:30– 15:00 h | Hall Helsinki 1 /2 TOPIC 13: Brain imaging, neurophysiology, neuropsychology Brain imaging, neurophysiology, neuro- psychology, neurobiology Chair: Ute Habel, Aachen (Germany) 001 Neural substrates and economic costs of social avoidance Johannes Schultz, Bonn (Germany) Tom Willems, Maria Gädeke, Ghada Chakkour, Alexander Franke, Bernd Weber, René Hurlemann 002 The influence of hydrocortisone on resting state functional connectivity in patients with borderline personality dis- order (BPD) and patients with post-trau- matic stress disorder (PTSD) Sophie Metz, Berlin (Germany) Juliane Fleischer, Christian Otte, Katja Wingenfeld 003 Neuronal correlates of emotional prosody and implications for post-trau- matic stress disorder Sarah Steber, Innsbruck (Austria) Sonja Rossi 004 Amygdala dysfunctions in process- ing sub- and supraliminal presented faces in panic disorder Yunbo Yang, Marburg (Germany) Benjamin Straube, Ulrike Lüken, Andreas Ströhle, Bettina Pfleiderer, Alfons Hamm, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, Tilo Kircher, Carsten Konrad 005 NOS1-ex1f-VNTR allelic variation in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia – neural correlates in fear conditioning and extinction in fMRI Isabelle Caroline Ridderbusch, Marburg (Germany) Ulrike Lüken, Andreas Ströhle, Bettina Pfleiderer, Volker Arolt, Hans-Ulrich Wittchen, Andreas Reif, Jürgen Deckert, Tilo Kircher, Benjamin Straube 006 Acute stress disorder and C-reactive protein in patients with acute myocardial infarction Hannes Bielas, Mittenwalde (Germany) Roland von Känel 007 Suppression of the acoustic startle response by cerebellar tremor Thomas Wegehaupt, Munich (Germany) Carsten Tischbirek, Arthur Konnerth 008 The system-neurophysiological basis of developmental changes during sequential cognitive flexibility between adolescents and adults Franziska Giller, Dresden (Germany) Rui Zhang, Veit Rössner, Christian Beste 009 An integrating study on psychopa- thology and brain energy metabolism Gerd Krüger, Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 010 The precuneus serves as a hub in a parieto-occipito-temporal network sup- porting visuo-spatial associative memory formation Björn Schott, Göttingen (Germany) Torsten Wüstenberg, Eva Lücke, Ina- Maria Pohl, Constanze Seidenbecher, Stefan Pollmann, Jasmin Kizilirmak, Alan Richardson-Klavehn
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