Dear Madam or Sir,

The XXXI International Congress of the IAP and 28th Congress of the ESP, for the first time organised as a joint venture, is approaching quickly and we look forward to seeing you in Cologne.

Abstract submission is open until Thursday, 28 April 2016.

Please submit your abstract via the congress website

ESP and IAP are looking forward to receiving your scientific contribution.


ESP and IAP especially encourage residents and trainees in pathology from underprivileged countries to apply for a bursary. Bursaries include a free registration to the congress as well as up to 5 nights hotel accommodation and a monetary grant.

Please find more information and apply here.

The deadline for bursary applications is also 28 April 2016.

Until 3 May 2016, you can still benefit from the first early registration fees - so if you haven't already done so, make sure to visit

to complete your online registration.

New: Following the great success at last year's ECP in Belgrade, ESP and IAP have launched a Two Day Symposium for Molecular Biologists again.

It will take place on Monday/Tuesday, 26/27 September 2016.

Please see more information here.

If you have any questions related to the congress in Cologne, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Kind regards,
The Organising Team of the
XXXI International Congress of the IAP and 28th Congress of the ESP

Congress Office

Paulsborner Str. 44
14193 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49-30-3006690
Fax:     +49-30-3057391

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