ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 Background & objectives: This study aims to investigate the influence of β-catenin on endometrial cancer progression. Cur- rently the molecular subgrouping of EC proposed by the TCGA is a milestone. Furthermore, the driving mechanisms are vital to identify correlations between genes and their regulators. Methods: A total of 103 White female patients with con- firmed EC were enrolled. For the analysis, we used next- generation sequencing with Hot Spot Cancer Panel provided by Illumina Inc, San Diego, California, USA, and immuno- histochemical analysis FOXA-1, FOXP1, oestrogen receptor, and β-catenin. Results: Beta-catenin showed a correlation with AKT1 mutation (R = 0,2508 p = 0,04058 and surprisingly not with CTNNB1 muta- tion R = 0.5176 p = 0,000007). Moreover, beta-catenin expression was observed in TNM R = 0.2209, p = 0.0263, with prognostic impact RFS (R = 0,2049 p = 0,0388). Indirectly, the worse clinical outcome was observed in obese patients with beta-catenin expres- sion (BMI R = 0.1931 p = 0.0510). Conclusion: The study suggests a prognostic value of Β-catenin in EC. Our study confirmed that beta-catenin is a reliable biomarker in the prognosis of EC outcomes. It indicates that β-catenin can be used as a biomarker for the prognosis of patients with malignant cancers. Furthermore, there is no implementa- tion of classification by molecular basis. Based on this medical research it is necessary to use biomarkers such as beta catenin in the prognosis of endometrial cancer. PS-08-022 Histopathological features of placentas of mothers who have had COVID19 infection during pregnancy N. Yeldir*, G. Sönmez Ünal, H. Özer *Sivas Cumhuriyet University, Turkey Background & objectives: The COVID19 pandemic has been affecting the worldwide since 2020.The SarsCov2 can cause changes in many tissues. The aim is to investigate changes that occur in the placentas of women who have had COVID19 infection during any period of their pregnancy. Methods: The study was performed prospectively with 24 women who had COVID19 infection at any period of their pregnancy and gave birth by cesarean section or vaginal. The data of the patients were evaluated for clinical, the pregnancy period of COVID19 infection and placental histopathological features. Results: In 24 cases, the mean age was 28 years and the mean birth week of cases was 38th week.10 cases were vaccinated with two doses, others were unvaccinated. 3 cases were in the period of active covid infection and the mean week of COVID19 infection of other cases was 22th week. In histo- pathological examinations, calcifications, congestive chorionic villis, intervillous haemorrhages and increase in focal syncytial knots were common findings. Focal distal villous hypoplasia, hofbauer cells and focal hydropic villis were observed less. There are fibromuscular stenosis in 3 cases and marked distal villous hypoplasia in 2 cases. Conclusion: It is believed that the SarsCov2 virus can cause pregnancy complications such as foetal malformations, foe- tal growth retardation and stillbirth. Placental abnormalities including foetal and maternal vascular malperfusion have been reported despite negative SarsCov2 tests of infants of moth- ers who had COVID19 infection during pregnancy. According to this study, COVID19 infection caused significant maternal vascular malperfusion findings in a few cases, although it did not cause significant histopathological changes of the placenta in many cases. PS-08-023 Expression of Caspase-8 and Bcl-2 in eutopic endometrium of women with chronic endometritis and endometriosis A. Tregubova*, G. Tabeeva, M. Dumanovskaya, A. Magnaeva, A. Asaturova, S. Pavlovich *FSBI «National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynae- cology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov», Russia Background & objectives: Apoptosis is characterized by a series of perturbations to the cellular architecture that contribute to cell death. This process involved in the pathogenesis of gynaecologi- cal diseases associated with chronic inflammation such as chronic endometritis and endometriosis. Methods: The immunohistochemical expression of apoptotic markers Caspase-8 and Bcl-2 was evaluated in 50 patients divided into 3 groups: group 1 (normal endometrium, n=7), group 2 (chronic endometritis, n=20), group 3 (endometriosis, n=23). QuPath software was used to assess the level immunohistochemical staining intensity (optical density (OD) of staining). We used Kruskal-Walli’s test for statistical analysis. Results: Expression of Caspase-8 in stromal and glandular cells of eutopic endometrium samples was significantly different across the three groups (p=0,016 and p=0,004 respectively). OD of gland cells in the first group: Me=0.113 (Q1-Q3: 0.086-0.119), second: Me=0.314 (Q1-Q3: 0.106-0.445), third: Me=0.101 (Q1-Q3: 0.09-0.142). OD of stromal cells in the first group: Me=0.057 (Q1-Q3: 0.05-0.06), second: 0.133 (Q1-Q3: 0.07-0.218), third: Me=0.056 (Q1-Q3: 0.05-0.06). Bcl- 2expression in glandular cells of eutopic endometrium samples was sig- nificantly different across the three groups (p=0,004). OD of gland cells in the first group: Me=0.113 (Q1-Q3: 0.086-0.119), second: Me=0.314 (Q1-Q3: 0.106-0.445), third: Me=0.101 (Q1-Q3: 0.09-0.142). Conclusion: Our findings suggest that there is an increase the activity of caspases-8 in stromal and glandular endometrial cells as well as an activity bcl-2 in glandular cells in chronic endometritis to compare with endometriosis and normal samples. These results might help to shed more light on the role of apoptosis in gynaeco- logical disease associated with chronic inflammation. Funding: State Assignment №121040600436-7 PS-08-024 Mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma of the endometrium fre- quently associated with KRAS mutation and adenomyosis Y. Chun*, Y.M. Kim, Y. Kim *Guro Hospital Korea University, Republic of Korea Background & objectives: Mesonephric-like adenocarcinoma (MLA), a rare subtype of endometrial carcinomas with aggressive behaviours, is histologically similar to the cervical mesonephric adenocarcinoma, but not associated with mesonephric remnants. It remains unclear whether the MLAs represent mesonephric origin or Müllerian neoplasm. Methods: We studied the clinicopathologic, immunohistochemical and molecular features of 6 endometrial MLAs and 1 endometrial carcinoma with mixed mesonephric-like and endometrioid patterns. Results: Four cases had initially been diagnosed as low-grade endo- metrioid endometrial adenocarcinomas. Histologically, MLAs showed a variety of morphologies including tubular, ductal, papillary, retiform, and solid. Five cases (71%) were associated with adenomyosis. All tumours showed negativity for ER and PR, p53 wild type and retained staining for the mismatch repair proteins. Most cases revealed posi- tivity for GATA-3 (5/6), CD10 (6/7) and TTF-1 (5/6). Next genera- tion sequencing documented mutations in KRAS (4/4), PIK3CA (1/4), ARID1A (1/4) and ERBB3 (1/4). One case showed copy number vari- ations in MDM4 and AKT3. Two patients were in FIGO stage lll, 1 in stage IV and 4 in stage I-II. Three patients developed lung metastasis. S112

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