ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 with Hot Spot Cancer Panel provided by Illumina Inc, San Diego, California, USA, and immunohistochemical analysis FOXA-1, FOXP1, Oestrogen receptor. Participants underwent surgical treat- ment without previous radio-chemotherapy to conduct a credible comparative analysis of tumour characteristics, the treatment, and unchanged molecular profiling. Results: we observed a negative correlation with FOXA-1 revealing that FOXA-1 silencing led to worse outcome based on the negative correlation with FOXA-1(test log-rank for FOXA1 2,031559, p = 0.04220 and HR 2.66, p = 0.06), The estimation of targeted protein frequency was conducted revealing that FOXA-1 occurred in 24 cases, especially in the FIGO IA stage . Furthermore, a correlation was found for FOXP-1 (R = 0,2872 p = 0.0041). This depicts Kaplan-Meier curves for FOXA-1 (p = 0.042). FOX proteins were closely correlated with TP53 and KRAS mutation. Oestrogen receptor expression was detected in all FOXP-1 positive cases and more than 90% of FOXA-1 positive ones. Conclusion: Our study confirmed that FOXA-1 is a reliable biomarker in the prognosis of Endometrial cancer outcomes. The changes of FoxA downstream profiles in different cancers would provide more valuable clues for FoxA’s biological function and could be considered as efficient biomarkers for cancer diagnosis or prognosis. The FOX transcription factor family is closely correlated to hormone-dependent carcinogenesis by interacting with steroid receptors. Thus, FOX binds the promoters of more than 100 genes, in turn, regulating many cellular functions. PS-09 | Poster Session Haematopathology PS-09-003 Flow cytometric characterisation of adult T-cell leukaemia/ lymphoma (ATLL) and the associated cytogenetics and next generation sequencing (NGS) Findings U. Edema*, J. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. Shi *Montefiore Medical Center, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, USA Background & objectives: ATLL, a rare aggressive mature T cell neo- plasm is frequently positive for CD4/CD25 and shows loss of CD7 expres- sion. Rarely, they present with unusual immunophenotypes therefore diag- nostically challenging. We summarized the immunophenotypes of ATLL and analysed their associated cytogenetics/NGS findings. Methods: In this study, we summarized the immunophenotypes of ATLL by flow cytometry and analysed the associated cytogenetics/ next generation sequencing (NGS) findings. We retrospectively identified 117 patients with ATLL in a single institution in USA during a 19-year period (2003-2021). Of these 117 patients, 100 patients had flow cytometry tests, 70 patients had cytogenetics tests, and 43 patients had NGS tests. Results: Out of the 100 patients with flow cytometry tests, 87 patients (87%) showed CD4+/CD7- immunophenotype, 7 (7%) patients showed CD4+/CD8+ immunophenotype, 2 (2%) patients showed CD4-/CD8- immunophenotype, 3 (3%) patients showed CD5- immunophenotype, 1 (1%) patient showed CD4-/CD7+ immunophenotype. The cases with unusual immunophenotypes frequently show complex cytogenetics/NGS findings with TP53, TBL1XR1 and NOTCH 1 being the most frequently mutated genes. Conclusion: ATLL is associated with human T lymphotropic virus (HTLV-1) infection, usually in endemic areas such as Japan and Caribbean countries. CD4+/CD7- is the most common immunophenotypic findings of ATLL. ATLL can rarely show unu- sual immunophenotypes and frequently accompanied by complex cytogenetics/NGS findings. These cases can be incredibly chal- lenging diagnostically. However, by combining the demographic features of the patients and typical clinical presentations, the possi- bility of ATLL should be raised and confirmed by HTLV-1 testing. PS-09-004 Primary thyroid lymphoma: a retrospective-observational study of 11 cases R.A. Barna*, O. Vita, A. Dema, C. Lazureanu, R. Cornea, D. Brebu, O. Popa, A. Plopeanu, R. Covaci, M. Cornianu *Department II Microscopic Morphology, Discipline of Morphopa- thology, ANAPATMOL Research Center, Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Timisoara, Romania Background & objectives: Primary thyroid lymphoma (PTL) is an uncommon heterogeneous neoplasm diagnosed more frequent in women, commonly associated with autoimmune thyroiditis and account for less than 5% of primary thyroid malignancies. This study aimed to assess the clinico-pathological profile of PTL. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted by analysing the medical records and examining the histopathologi- cal features of thyroidectomy and lobectomy specimens, from 11 patients diagnosed with PTL at the Emergency County Hospital from Timisoara. Clinical, pathological and immunohistochemi- cal data (antibodies anti Ki67, CD20, CD10, CD30, CD5, Bcl-2, Bcl-6, cyclin-D1, ALK-1, kappa, lambda) were assessed. Results: The mean age at the time of diagnosis was 69 years old. Eight women and three men were diagnosed with PTL resulting a female to male ratio of 2.7:1. Nine (81.81%) patients accused a painless and progressive growing tumour mass in the anterior cervical region, accompanied by local compression symptoms: dyspnea, dysphagia and dysphonia. All cases were diagnosed as non-Hodgkin, B-cell lymphomas (CD20 positive). The histological type consisted of six diffuse large B cell lymphoma, three MALT lymphoma, one follicular lymphoma and one case with follicular and diffuse lymphoma features. In 10 cases, PTL associated autoimmune lymphocytic thyroiditis. Seven cases (63,63%) were staged IE, two cases- IIE and two cases-IIIE. Conclusion: This study reaffirms the clinico-pathological features of primary thyroid lymphoma, with a slight variation in female to male ratio. PTL are rare tumours and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of patients complaining of painless, progressive growing goiter or neck masses, and have a history of Hashimoto autoimmune thyroiditis. The prognosis of these patients is excellent and the overall survival is improved due to the advances in both diagnosis and treatment in recent years. PS-09-005 Molecular profiling of MYD88 and PIM1 genes in tissue sam- ples from diffuse large B-cell non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas - defining element of their evolution and prognosis M. Cristian*, M. Aschie, M. Deacu, C. Branzan, A. Cretu, A. Mitroi, G. Baltatescu, A.A. Serb, I. Poinareanu *1) Clinical Service of Pathology, “Saint Apostle Andrew”” Emergency County Hospital, Constanţa, Romania. 3) Center for Research and Development of the Morphological and Genetic Stud- ies of Malignant Pathology, “Ovidius” University of Constanţa, Romania S117

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