ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 assessment, PNs were classified based on their clinical character- istics (hematologic, myopathic/neuropsychiatric and endocrine/ metabolic). Results: PNs were present in 33,3% of CUP cases. Most of these PNs were hematologic symptoms (62,2%), followed by endocrine or metabolic diseases (26,7%). Myopathic and neuropsychiat- ric PNs were found only in a small fraction of cases (11,1%). Based on histological classification, PNs occur most frequently alongside anaplastic or neuroendocrine carcinomas (50-50%), whereas in adenocarcinomas (which is the most common cancer type histologically) the occurence of PNs were lower (27,3%). Conclusion: To our current knowledge, the PNs associated with CUPs has not been studied comprehensively. PNs occur in a third of CUP cases, which is significantly more frequent than the gen- eral estimation of PN occurence in cancers, which is 10-15%. The former support the data suggesting CUP is a clinical and biological entity amongst malignant tumours. PS-19 | Poster Session Cardiovascular Pathology PS-19-001 Morphometric analysis of aortic wall main components depending on age I.E. Plesea*, M. Serbanescu, M. Albu, D.A. Seicaru, F. Gherghi- ceanu, F. Giuroiu, P.L. Chiriac, O.C. Mirea, R.M. Plesea *”Carol Davila” University of Medici, Romania Background & objectives: Morphological and functional changes appearing in all tissues with ageing affect also all vascular structures, including aorta. The authors assessed the densities-D of aortic wall main components (Elastic fibres–FE, Collagen fibres-FCOL, smooth muscle fibres-FM) with ageing in both sexes. Methods: Four aortic rings (base, cross, thoracic, abdominal) were taken during autopsies from 90 autopsied cases (55 men and 35 women). Samples were processed using the classical HP technique and stained with Orcein, and Goldner’s trichrome. Quantitative measurements were made using custom-made soft- ware, developed in Matlab (Mathworks, USA) on virtual slides. Average values were compared with “t” test and Pearson’s test. Results: FE-D and FM-D had an obvious descending trend with age in all main aortic regions and in both sexes with no signifi- cant differences between sex descending patterns. FCOL-D, in turn, had an obvious ascending trend with age in all main aortic regions and in both sexes with no significant differ- ences between sex descending patterns. All three types of fibres had no significant variation along the aortic length in any of the four main periods of live. FE-Ds and FM-Ds were higher in men than in women in all aortic regions excepting cross region while FCOL-Ds were higher in women than in men in all aortic regions excepting cross region. Conclusion: Ageing brings a remodelling process of aortic wall main components densities (FE-D, FCOL-D and FM-D) similar in both sexes. There were no significant changes of densities val- ues along the aortic length in all main age periods but there were differences between sexes in each type of fiber density along the aortic length. PS-19-002 An etiological approach to a regional sudden death series R. Henriques De Gouveia*, M. Carrington, F. Corte Real, L. Gon- çalves, R. Providência *1 Histology and Pathological Anatomy, Faculty of Life Sciences of the University of Madeira; 2 LANA - Clinical Analysis and Pathological Anatomy Laboratory, Portugal Background & objectives: In some countries, Sudden death (SD) of persons aged 1 to 40 years-old require further characterization, in order to provide Health Preventive Measures. The authors aim to study the SD causes of young adult victims in an European Country region. Methods: Cases from the Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences National Institute’s database concerning unexpected sudden death young adults (1-40 years-old) victims, who underwent autopsy, between 2012-2016, at a region comprising 6 mainland and insular districts, were retrospectively reviewed. The Institute Ethics Committee approved this study. Demographic, clinical, autoptic, anatomopathological and toxicological data was collected. Statistical analysis (Stata 13.0 software) was performed. Results: 175 SD, out of 2101 deaths in ages 1 to 40, were identi- fied. SD victims had a mean age of 32±9 years-old, the majority males (69%,n=120). 115 (66%) SD cases were of cardiovascular origin. The remaining causes were respiratory (18%), cerebral (7%), digestive (6%), endocrinologic (2%), urinary (1%), infec- tious (1%). The most frequent cardiovascular cause was coronary atherosclerosis and its complications (n=40,35%); whose victims were older (31±8vs35±4,p<0.020), with a minimum age of 26 years, preferentially males (85%vs61%,p=0.011). Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) was diagnosed in 3 (3%) victims; with genetic data available in 2, namely through the contribution of molecular autopsy. Six acute myocarditis’ cases were identified, in significantly younger patients (23±13vs33±7,p=0,011). Conclusion: During a 5-year period, the cumulative incidence of sudden and unexpected death of persons aged 1 to 40 years-old, in the studied region, is very low (n=175). Cardiovascular causes are present in 66% of the cases. The most frequent cardiovascular cause is coronary atherosclerosis (35%). Cardiovascular causes vary with age and gender. Epidemiological and Genetic studies are relevant contributes to understand the underlying settings and origins of SD and consequently promote preventive measures, namely of Public Health, and screening programs. PS-19-003 Study of morphological patterns of acute cellular rejection (ACR) reactions in endomyocardial biopsies (EMBs) M. Kupryte*, E.M.A. Gosselin, L. Poškienė *Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Lithuania Background & objectives: Study of ACR reactions in cardiac allograft can assist in determining tissue’s immunological injury, presenting accurate information on rejection, and organizing optimal transplanted- heart patient’s management. Objective is to identify morphologic ACR patterns of transplanted-heart patients in 3 years of surveillance. Methods: Transplanted-heart patients with routine surveillance EMBs in 2004 – 2020 were analysed by patient’s characteristics and ACR grade (International Society of Heart and Lung Trans- plantation (ISHLT) nomenclature). Statistical descriptive analy- sis and Z two-tailed test to assess rejection probability in general population for year 1, 2 and 3 after transplantation were performed. Statistical significance p<0.05. Approval by ethics committee (no. BEC-MF-280). Results: 70% (n=138) Grade 0 EMBs, 27% (n=53) Grade 1 EMBs, and 3% (n=6) Grade 2 EMBs were detected in 1st post- transplantation year. There were 67% (n=32) Grade 0 EMBs, 31% (n=15) Grade 1 EMBs, 2% (n=1) Grade 2 EMBs in 2nd post-transplantation year, and 54% (n=21) Grade 0 EMBs, 43% (n=17) Grade 1 EMBs, 3% (n=1) Grade 2 EMBs in 3rd S156

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