ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 PS-26-043 Reclassification of eosinophilic kidney tumours – a multi-insti- tutional study of 318 cases L. Kuthi*, F. Sánta, Á. Somorácz, B. Dénes, F. Salamon, A. Jenei, K. Eizler, N. Giba, D. Semjén *Department of Pathology, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical School, University of Szeged, Hungary Background& objectives: Eosinophilic/oncocytic renal neoplasms repre- sent a heterogeneous group consisting of both well-known entities (onco- cytoma and chromophobe renal cell carcinoma [chRCC]) and emerging/ provisional tumours (eosinophilic vacuolated tumour (EVT), eosinophilic, solid and cystic (ESC) RCC, and low-grade oncocytic tumour [LOT]). Methods: In this multi-institutional study, 318 renal tumours signed out as oncocytomas (n=164) or chRCCs (n=154) were reevaluated and reclassified according to current concepts. The revision was supported by immunohistochemistry of CK7, CK20, CD10, CD117, SDHB, FH, MelanA, and HMB45. Clinical data and pathological characteristics were obtained from the original histological reports. Results: The revision resulted in 140 oncocytoma, 139 chRCC, 9 EVT, 8 LOT, 6 ESC RCC, 2 oncocytic papillary RCC, and 14 eosinophilic RCC not otherwise specified cases. Twenty-four onco- cytomas and 15 chRCCs were reclassified as other tumours. Ten chRCC tumours were built-up of purely eosinophilic cells. The ini- tial diagnosis was mainly oncocytoma for the EVT, LOT, and ESC RCC cases (20/23). The EVT and ESC RCC were primarily seen in women, while LOT affected older men (median age: 75.5; range: 51-83). The average tumour size for EVT, LOT, and ESC cases was 38.1 mm, 46.4 mm, and 38.2 mm, respectively. Progression and tumour-related death were registered exclusively in chRCC. Conclusion: The diagnostic spectrum of eosinophilic renal tumours is evolving, and it may pose diagnostic difficulties. Cau- tion should be raised when the diagnosis of oncocytoma is estab- lished, because a significant number of the cases may refer to emerging/provisional tumours. In our study, the frequency of EVT, LOT, and ESC RCC tumours was 12.16% among the eosinophilic renal tumours. In addition, 14 cases were left without a specific diagnosis and remained unclassified, indicating further research. Funding: This research was funded by the University of Szeged, Faculty of Medicine Research Fund-Hetényi Géza Grant (Grant No. 5S 340 A202) and the New National Excellence Programme (Grant No. UNKP-21-4-SZTE-131). PS-26-044 Evaluation of risk scoring systems for predicting inguinal lymph nodal metastasis in penile squamous cell carcinoma A. Shah*, S. Menon, A. Sali, G. Prakash, G. Bakshi, A. Joshi, M. Pal, V. Murthy, S. Desai *Tata Memorial Centre, India Background & objectives: Inguinal lymph nodal metastasis (ILNM) is the most important prognostic parameter in the outcomes of penile squamous cell carcinoma (PSCC). We compared two risk scoring sys- tems to predict ILNM. Methods: This is a retrospective study of 105 PSCC cases. Prog- nostic index score(PIS) was calculated by summing different points assigned to the following histological parameters- histo- logic grade(1-well,2-moderate,3-poor), anatomic level of deep- est infiltration(1-lamina propria,2-corpus spongiosum,3-corpora cavernosa) and perineural invasion(PNI)(0-absent,1-present). In Histopathological risk score(HRS), pattern of tumour invasion(1- bulbous,2-cords,3-single cell) was used instead of PNI, the rest of the two parameters being the same. Results: ILNM was present in 50 cases. PIS & HRS had a statisti- cally significant association with ILNM (p<0.001). The composite score for PIS ranged from 2 to 7 & 3 to 9 for HRS. ILNM was noted in ≥50% of tumours with a PIS score ≥ 5 and HRS score ≥ 6. None of the tumours with PIS score ≤3 & HRS score ≤5 had ILNM. The Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis for PIS showed an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.751 (p<0.001 & CI-0.642-0.859) while for HRS, AUC= 0.737 (p<0.001 & CI-0.625-0.849), making them comparable in their utility to predict ILNM. Conclusion: PIS and HRS risk scoring systems correlate with ILNM. The high-risk group of HRS (score ≥ 6) included all the cases with ILNM (100%) while PIS (score ≥5) had 90% cases. The risk scoring systems may aid in addressing the inguinal lymph node dissection in PSCC. PS-26-045 The association between varicocele in adolescence and tes- ticular cancer in young adulthood T. Neuman*, G. Verhovsky *Hadassah-Hebrew University Medical Centre, Jerusalem, Israel Background & objectives: Elevated intrascrotal temperature has been suggested as a risk factor for testicular cancer. Varicocele was linked to increased intrascrotal temperature, but whether it is associated with tes- ticular cancer is unclear. We aimed to to explore their potential association. Methods: This nationwide, population-based, historical cohort study includes 1,521,661 Israeli male adolecents (mean age 17.5 ± 0.4 years), who were screened for varicocele as part of their medical assessment prior to compulsory military service dur- ing the years 1967-2012. The diagnosis of testicular cancer was ascertained from linkage of records to the the Israeli National Cancer Registry. Logistic regression analysis was applied. Results: In total, 53,210 adolescents were diagnosed with varicocele prior to military service. Of 1,988 (0.13% of the total cohort) men who were diagnosed with testicular cancer, 54 (0.1%) had varicocele prior to military service and 1934 were not exposed to the elevated intrascrotal temperature resulting from varicocele, p=0.314. The age at cancer diagnosis and the distribution of seminomas vs. non-seminomas did not differ significantly between those with and without varicocele in adolescence. Varicocele was also not associated with testicular cancer, in a multivariable analysis controlling for sociodemographic factors. Conclusion: Varicocele in adolecents was not found to be associ- ated with testicular cancer in young adults. PS-26-047 Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the bladder. Histological, immunohistochemistry and molecular review of 20 cases of this rare entity with poor prognosis P. Puente Lopez*, E. Miraval Wong, E. García Fernández, P. González-Peramato *Hospital Universitario La Paz, Spain Background & objectives: Sarcomatoid carcinoma of the bladder is a rare entity considered a divergent differentiation from urothelial carcinoma (UC) as it accounts for less than 0.6% of bladder tumours. Our objective is to study the characteristics of these tumours and their survival. Methods: We performed a retrospective review of urothelial tumours with sarcomatoid component (SC) diagnosed in our centre from 2010 to March 2022. We collected data of age, sample type, S180

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