ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 vascularization in the neoplastic tissue. It means that the angiogen- esis in the PC tissue is not dependent and related to the presence of intraluminal concretions. Conclusion: PCa causes mechanical injury of PC tissue and is associ- ated with tissue remodelling and inflammation. At the same time, the VEGF expression by PC cells is lower in patients with PCa. PS-26-051 PTOV1 is overexpressed in prostate adenocarcinoma and high- grade intraepithelial neoplasia F. Karasavvidou, M. Strataki*, A. Palaka, V. Tsangari, M. Ioannou, G.K. Koukoulis *Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, University of Thessaly, Greece Background & objectives: PTOV1 (prostate tumour overexpressed-1) was suggested as one of the most discriminants between normal and carcinomatous prostate, however, little has been investigated by immunohistochemical (IHC) analysis. We examined PTOV1 in normal, adenocarcinomas and high-grade prostate intraepithelial neoplasia (HPIN). Methods: We examined, using IHC analysis, PTOV1 (cytoplas- mic or nuclear), AMACR/P504S (cytoplasmic), and high-molec- ular-weight cytokeratin 34bE12, in 68 prostate acinar adenocar- cinomas. Gleason combined score (2014 ISUP revised Gleason grading system) ranged from 6 to 9 in 41 radical prostatectomy and 27 needle biopsy specimens. HPIN coexisted in 31/41 cases from radical prostatectomies and in 20/27 cases from needle biopsies. Results: Almost all the cases of adenocarcinoma (100% in cases from radical prostatectomies and 92.69% from needle core biop- sies) and HPIN lesions (96.77% from radical prostatectomies and 100% from needle core biopsies) showed PTOV-1 moderate and strong cytoplasmic staining. There was no obvious association between carcinoma differen- tiation (by Gleason score) and the level of PTOV-1 expression. PTOV-1 was negative or showed weak cytoplasmic staining in normal prostate glandular epithelial cells in cases obtained from cystoprostatectomy specimens for bladder tumours without prostate cancer. A significant correlation was found between moderate and strong PTOV-1 staining versus moderate and strong P504S stain- ing (p <0.001). Conclusion: Our results indicate that PTOV-1 is a highly specific immunohistochemical marker for prostate malignancy. PTOV-1 is a more sensitive immunohistochemical marker than P504S, for the diagnosis of HPIN. The overexpression of PTOV-1 in isolated HPIN lesions in a pros- tate needle biopsy without concomitant cancer, could generate suspicion of undiagnosed cancer and indicate the need to repeat the biopsy. PS-26-052 Does ductus deferens invasion matter in pT3b prostate cancer? E. Dicle Serbes*, S. Sevim, E.N. Kozan, M.C. Karaburun, E. Süer, S. Kiremitci, D. Enneli *Ankara University Medical School, Pathology Department, Turkey Background & objectives: Seminal vesicle invasion(SVI) is a well- known prognostic factor in prostate cancer(PCa). Although few studies focused on ductus deferens invasion(DDI), it’s prognostic contribution has not been clarified yet. We aimed to investigate the clinicopathologi- cal impact of DDI on PCa with SVI(pT3b). Methods: Among 1259 radical prostatectomy(RP) specimens with PCa diagnosed at our institution between 2005-2022, all pT3b- PCa with DDI(n=43), and random pT3b-PCA without DDI(n=28) cases were included. Clinicopathological features (tumour vol- ume, Gleason scores, ISUP-prognostic grades, positive surgical margins(PSM), extraprostatic-extension(EPE), intraductal carci- noma, lymphovascular/perineural invasion(LVI/PNI), lymph node metastasis(LNM), biochemical recurrence(BCR), time-to-BCR) were compared between two groups. Pearson chi-square, McNemar, Fischer’s exact tests were performed. Results: Among 1259 RPs with PCa, 46 cases(3.6%) had DDI, 136 cases(10.8%) had SVI, and 43 cases(3.4%) had both. Among 71 cases included in the study, 31 cases(43.6%) had BCR and median time to BCR was 117 months. Twenty-two cases(31%) had unilateral SVI. In 17(39.5%) cases DDI was unilateral, 26(60.4%) cases showed bilateral DDI. Two cases with unilateral DDI, showed contralateral SVI. Cases with bilateral SVI, showed higher rate of bilateral DDI (p=0.021). Cases with DDI, showed more EPE and PSM (p=0.021, p=0.02). In terms of BCR, time-to-BCR, LVI, PNI, LNM, Gleason scores, ISUP-prognostic grades, tumour volume, intraductal carcinoma, no statistical difference found between pT3b-PCa cases with and without DDI. Conclusion: SVI is associated with adverse outcome for PCa. However prognostic significance of DDI is still controversial as there are a few studies focusing on DDI. To our results, DDI doesn’t seem to be associated with BCR. However further analysis will be performed by adding cancer-specific survival analysis, as it’s a better indicator for oncological outcome. Moreover, signifi- cantly frequent occurrence of EPE in the PCa with DDI suggests that the most common route of SVI is most probably EPE of PCa. PS-26-053 Automated prostate cancer identification facilitates prognosis marker assessment in 11’845 prostate cancers using artificial intelligence and BLEACH&STAIN multiplex fluorescence immunohistochemistry N.C. Blessin, J.H. Müller, T. Mandelkow, E. Bady, M.C.J. Lurati, C. Hube-Magg, M. Graefen, G. Sauter, S. Minner*, S. Steurer *University Medical Center Hamburg, Germany Background & objectives: Although most prostate cancers behave in an indolent manner, a small proportion is highly aggressive. To evaluate the patient’s risk, several prognosis parameters, that can be accompanied by a high interobserver variability has been established. A reproducible prognostic evaluation is lacking. Methods: To enable automated prognosis marker quantification, we have developed and validated a framework for automated prostate cancer detection that comprises three different artificial intelligence analysis steps and an algorithm for cell-distance analysis of BLEACH&STAIN immunohistochemistry. We have used the analysis framework to measure PSA, PSMA, INSM1, AR, Ki-67, CD56, Chromogranin A, Synaptophysin, CD8 in a cohort of 11’845 prostate cancers. Results: The Ki-67 labelling index provided the strongest prognos- tic information among all analysed prognosis marker in 11’845 suc- cessfully analysed prostate cancers (p<0.001 each). The combined analysis of the Ki67-LI and Gleason grades obtained on identical tissue spots showed that the Ki67-LI added significant additional prognostic information in case of classical ISUP grades (AUC:0.82 [p=0.002]) and quantitative Gleason grades (AUC:0.83 [p=0.018]). Several combinations of these 8 prognosis markers were combined to prognosis scores and used for unsupervised clustering to identify S182

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