ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 a proportion of prostate cancers with a particularly poor prognosis (p<0.001 each). Conclusion: Automated prostate cancer identification enables fully automated prognosis marker assessment in routine clinical practice using deep learning and BLEACH&STAIN mfIHC. Funding: The PSA, INSM1, Ki-67, Chromogranin A, Synapto- physin, CD8, AE13, p53 antibody clones were provided by MS Validated Antibodies GmbH (owned by a family member of GS) PS-26-054 Rare localisations of metastatic renal clear cell carcinoma – twenty years of experience of two institutions P. Hurník*, J. Palica, J. Strakos, D. Ziak, V. Zidlik, R. Ondrussek, P. Vazan, M. Wozniakova, P. Delongova, F. Fakhouri, J. Skarda *Department of Clinical and Molecular Pathology, University Hospital Ostrava and Faculty of Medicine, University of Ostrava, Department of histology and embryology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University Brno, Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic Background & objectives: Clear cell carcinoma is the most common type of renal malignancy, accounting for over 70%of all renal carcino- mas. Tumours can arise in any area of the renal cortex, with the dele- tion of the 3p chromosome being a common chromosomal aberration. Methods: This study comprised 266 patients with confirmed clear cell renal carcinoma, using data collected from two medical facili- ties (University Hospital Ostrava, CGB Laboratory) between 2000 and 2020. After that, parameters such as gender, age, and location were examined. All of the statistics were collected in March 2022, over the course of three weeks of rigorous work. Results: There were 167 males (62.8%) and 99 women (37.2%) among the 266 patients, with a mean age of 64.2 years (median 65). The tumour spread through the lymphatic system to the lymph nodes was seen in 13.4%. Hematogenous metastases, on the other hand, predominated, with the following examples: lungs 59 (19.8%), bones 37 (12.4%), spine 24 (9,02%), adrenal glands 26 (8.7%), skin 13 (4.4%), peritoneum 12 (4%), fallopian tube and brain 9 (both 3%), vagina and liver 8 (both 2.7%), breast and mediastinum 7 (2.3%), pancreas and small intestine 6 (2.3%). Bronchus, parotid, thyroid, and stomach are among the most uncommon and underrepresented sites of metastasis, according to the study. Conclusion: The goal of this statistical research is to show that clear cell renal carcinoma can spread hematogenously. When we consider the vascular system’s architecture, we can see that the most common locations of metastases (lungs, spine, and adrenal glands) are all extremely close to the kidney basin, putting these structures at a higher risk of metastatic clear cell carcinoma. PS-26-055 Immunohistochemical expression of the ERG oncoprotein in prostatic cancer and its relationship with pathological parameters M.M. Hamzaoui*, A. Zehani, B. Chelly, A. Ayari, O. Belhadj, I. Chelly, H. Azouz, K. Bellil, S. Haouet *Department of Pathology, La Rabta Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia Background & objectives: The fusion of transmembrane protease serine 2 with E26 transformation-specific family genes, particularly ERG, is the most widespread genetic alteration in prostatic adeno- carcinoma. In this study,we investigated the ERG overexpression in prostate adenocarcinoma and its association with pathological prog- nostic parameters. Methods: The study was conducted at Rabta hospital incorporat- ing 25 specimens of radical prostatectomies sent to histopathol- ogy department. Different pathological findings were re-evaluated by reviewing histopathologic slides. ERG immunohistochemistry was performed using ERG antibody (clone EPR3864). Compara- tive analysis was done for ERG(+) and ERG(-) groups based on age ;WHO grade group; perineural invasion; vascular invasion; extraprostatic extension; pTNM classification 8th edition. Results: ERG expression was positive in 32%(8 cases) and nega- tive in 68%(17 cases). In ERG(-) group, mean age was 64.7 years. Perineural invasion was seen in 11 cases. Lymphovascular invasion, extraprostatic extension and seminal vesicle invasion were noted in 6, 7, and 2 cases respectively.10 cases were pT2 stage and 6 cases were pT3 with significant association to WHO grade group 2. In ERG(+) group, mean age was 66.4 years, showing perineural inva- sion in 7 cases, Lymphovascular invasion in 2 cases, extraprostatic extension and seminal vesicle invasion in 7 cases. Tumours were staged pT2 in 4 cases and pT3 in 4 cases. WHO grade group 1 was seen in 5 cases. Conclusion: The ERG overexpression seems to be an early molecu- lar event harbouring in prostatic adenocarcinoma with lower WHO grade group in patients older than 66 years. PS-26-056 Molecular classification of urothelial bladder carcinomas: input of the immunohistochemistry M.M. Hamzaoui*, A. Ayari, B. Chelly, O. Belhadj, A. Zehani, I. Chelly, H. Azouz, K. Bellil, S. Haouet *Department of Pathology, La Rabta Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia Background & objectives: Urothelial carcinomas are characterized by Distinct molecular subtypes with different evolutive and therapeutic features. this study aimed to analyse the expression of the antibodies anti-CD44;anti-GATA3; anti-CK5/6;anti-CK20 and anti-FGFR3 in the urothelial bladder carcinomas and to classify them into molecular subtypes. Methods: This was a retrospective study of 36 cases of urothelial bladder carcinoma. The immunohistochemical analysis was carried out using the antibodies anti-CK5/6,anti-CD44,anti-CK20,anti- GATA3 and anti-FGFR3. Subsequently, the tumours were clas- sified into luminal or basal subtype depending in the immuno- histochemical profile. The expression of these antibodies and the molecular subtypes were analysed according to epidemiological and prognostic factors of urothelial bladder carcinoma. Results: The average age was 61.24 years. Tumours were unifo- cal in 75%, low grade in 44% and high grade in 56% of cases. These tumours infiltrated the vesical muscle in 36% of cases. The tumours expressed CK5/6 in 17%, CD44 in 20%, CK20 in 42%, GATA3 in 86% and FGFR3 in 70% of cases. 88% of cases were classified into luminal subtype and 12% into basal subtype. The expression of CD44 was correlated with the grade while CK20 was associated with tumour localization. The expression of FGFR3 was associated with the grade and the infiltration of the lamina propria. The molecular subtype was correlated with the infiltration of the bladder muscle. Conclusion: The molecular classification of urothelial bladder car- cinomas appears to be the future of the pathology of the bladder. However, microscopic analysis still play an important part in rapid diagnosis but a comparison of these two molecular and histologic aspects is crucial. S183

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