ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 B, 42.8 % of eggs did not progress with an overall mortality of 57 % suggesting a very high interference of the applied EF on the embryogenetic process (genes expression in primary heart tube and other organs lateralization - rotation process). Conclusion: 1- Dc electrical forces of 800 mV / mm affect the endogenous fields during the overall chick embryogenesis. 2-It is possible, applying external Electrical Fields, to interfere on the heart embryogenetic process, what we refer as Molecular Cardiac Surgery. We present devices and procedures. E-PS-03-003 Cardial intimal sarcoma M. Jovanovic*, N. Karamarković, A. Lazarević, L. Simic, B. Dozic, S. Glumac *University of Belgrade, Medical Faculty, Institute for Pathology, Serbia Background & objectives: Intimal sarcoma (IS) is exceptionally rare primary mesenchymal neoplasm arising from the intima of great ves- sels, most commonly pulmonary artery and thoracic aorta, while heart is secondary involved. Heart chambers, as the primary site of IS origin, are extremely rare. Methods: Comparative histopathological and immunohistochemi- cal analysis of antemortem removed left atrium (LA) tumour, and postmortem sampled periadventially invaded right upper pulmo- nary vein. Results: We present a case of a 42-year-old male who was admitted to the Clinic for cardiovascular surgery due to LA tumour clinically assessed as myxoma, and died a day after surgery due to acute myocardial infarction. Intraoperatively, tumour showed infiltrative growth, with invasion and destruction of mitral valve which was removed. Autopsy revealed invasion of upper right pulmonary vein, as well as deposits around distal branches. Histopathological analysis showed hypercellular highly pleomorphic spindle-cell neoplasm with fascicular and storiform growth pattern, necrosis, and vascular invasion. Tumour expressed diffuse vimentin and MDM2 positivity, single cells expressed CD31, CD34, ERG and Desmin, while cytokeratin AE1/AE3 expression was absent, corresponding to IS immunophenotype. Conclusion: Primary cardial IS are extremely rare tumours, thus their initial unspecific clinical and radiological presentation could be confused with other cardiac tumours which are more common and benigan, like myxomas. Since IS is aggressive and invasive neoplasm, a complete surgical excision is usually impossible, and having in mind that radio- and chemotherapy modalities are of low success, the prognosis of IS at the moment of diagnosis remains poor. E-PS-03-004 Early myocardial infarction recognition by CD15 and C9 expression V. Sousa*, V. Almeida, A. Ladeirinha, A. Rodrigues, A. Alarcão, M. Reis Silva, T. Ferreira, R. Almeida, R. Henriques De Gouveia, C. Vilasboas, L. Carvalho *Institute of Anatomical and Molecular Pathology, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra; CIMAGO – Research Center for Environment, Genetics and Oncobiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra; University Hospital Anatomical Pathology Coimbra, Portugal Background & objectives: Early macroscopic diagnosis (12-24 hours) of Myocardial Infarction (MI) is challenging to Pathologists and macroscopic/microscopic observation in necropsies depends on the interval time between acute ischaemic onset and death. Biomarkers expression was searched in two MI evolutional phases. Methods: 43 MI samples retrieved from autopsies (IAP-PM/INM- LCF archives) were evaluated by two Pathologists. The follow- ing panel CD15, C9, C5b9, IL-15, Gal-3, and Fibronectin global expression was registered and submitted to statistical analysis - SPSSv27 and Mann-Whitney/Kruskal-Wallis tests to score differ- ent MI phases; ROC curves determined the best cut-off value for differentiating early (<3 days) from old (≥ 3 days) MI. Results: Neutrophils were considered grosso modo as MI classifier dating over three days since the clinical ischaemic coagulation necrosis onset. Two study groups were registered. CD15 (U=41,500; p<0,001; N=43) and complement fraction C9 (U=42,000; p<0,001; N=43) demonstrated significantly higher global expression (intensity of expression x percentage of positivity) in early MIs (<3 days) cases. Global expression cut- off of 105 for CD15 and 85 for C9 associated with Se and Sp of 0,875/0,818 and 0,875/0,600, respectively, for distinguishing old MI (>3 days) from early MIs. The other biomarkers were irrelevant due to similar expression in considered old and early MI. Conclusion: MI keeps being one of leading causes of death world- wide and Clinicians claim correct dating for therapy adjustment knowledge. The cut-off values determined, with high Se and Sp, demonstrated CD15 and C9 expression of high value aiding the Pathologist in evolutional MIs phase dating. CD15 and C9 differ- ent global expression can be used to distinguish between early (<3 days) and older (>3 days) MIs. Keywords: Myocardial Infarction; CD15; C9 E-PS-03-005 Inflammation, media degeneration and atherosclerosis during ascending aortitis I. Kholová*, E. Hermonen, A. Mennander, T. Paavonen *Fimlab Laboratories, Finland Background & objectives: Aortitis may be present during ascending aortic dilatation and dissection. Histologically, the aortic wall reveals inflammation, media degeneration and atherosclerosis. We quanti- fied aortic wall histology in surgically treated patients with ascending aortitis. Methods: Ascending aortic wall inflammation, media degeneration and atherosclerosis were graded according to the AECVP-SCVP guidelines in 42 patients (25 males:17 females, mean age 68 years, range 58-75 years). At least six samples from each aorta were evaluated using Haematoxylin-Eosin, Alcian Blue-Periodic Acid-Schiff, Verhoef-van Gieson stained sections and CD3, CD68, CD20, CD38 and SMA immunohistochemistry. Results: Inflammatory infiltrate was lympho-plasmacytic in 32 (74%) cases. Mixed inflammatory pattern was diagnosed in five (12%) cases, granulomatous pattern in four (9%) and suppurative in two (5%). IgG/IgG4 disease was detected in two (6%) cases together with lympho-plasmacytic infiltrate. Overall degenera- tion was mild in three (7%), moderate in 16 (37%) and severe in 24 (56%) cases. Various degree of atherosclerosis encompassed all specimens. Severe atherosclerosis was most common (n=19 (44%)), of which three included plaque disruptions and eight calci- fied plaques. There were ten (23%) cases of mild atherosclerosis and 14 (33%) moderate atherosclerosis. Conclusion: Various degree of aortic wall inflammation, media degeneration and atherosclerosis were often present during surgi- cally treated aortitis. Notably, a lympho-plasmacytic inflamma- tory pattern occurred in three quarters of the patients with aortitis, S202

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