ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 while severe aortic wall media degeneration and severe atheroscle- rosis were present in almost half of the patients. Funding: VTR grants from Pirkanmaa Hospital District E-PS-03-006 A rare case of heart metastasis of chondrosarcoma I Msakni*, R. Aouadi, N. Mansouri, F. Gargouri, M. Ben Thayer, K. Tlili, B. Laabidi *Department of Pathology, Military Hospital of Tunis, Tunisia Background & objectives: Chondrosarcomas are malignant mesen- chymal tumours which account for 20% of malignant bone tumours. Local recurrences and metastases are often encountered. Through this case, we aim to present an unusual case of chondrosarcoma metastasis in the heart. Methods: We, hereby, present a case of cardiac metastasis of a chondrosarcoma. Results: A 58 year old female patient operated on for left iliac chondrosarcoma few days earlier, presented with chest pain and dyspnea. A Chest-Tomography-Scan was performed and revealed not only pulmonary lesions but also an intra-cardiac mass. The decision was to remove the cardiac mass surgically. Gross examination showed a myxoid arborescent lesion. Histopathological examination showed a malignant cartilaginous proliferation. It was arranged in diffuse sheets of dense cartilaginous tissue with areas of necrosis. The tumour cells had atypical, hyperchromatic and enlarged nuclei. Some cells were binucleated. The diagnosis was consistent with cardiac metastasis of a chondrosarcoma. Conclusion: Chondrosarcoma is a malignant bone tumour with often an indolent course. The prognosis is favourable after com- plete surgical resection. However, hematogenous spread, most commonly to the lungs has a poor prognosis. Chondrosarcoma’s cardiac metastasis is extremely rare. The diagnosis is challenging and requires multimodality approach guided by clinical context. The diagnosis of certainty is based on hispathologic examination. E-PS-03-007 A rare cardiac neoplasm: case report of a cardiac angiosar- coma, review of literature E.B. Balaban*, M. Çıkrıkçıoğlu, Y.K. Akgök, B. Ketenci, F. Aker *Haydarpasa Numune Training and Research Hospital, Department of Pathology, Turkey Background & objectives: Primary cardiac malignancies are rare. Although angiosarcomas are rare soft tissue tumours, they are the most common primary cardiac malignancy. Methods: In this study, we present a case of primary cardiac angio- sarcoma in a 24-year-old female patient. The patient presented with complaints of chest pain and shortness of breath. Following clinical and radiological evaluation, primary cardiac mass was surgically removed. Results: Pathological examination revealed a mesenchymal tumour with areas of haemorrhage and necrosis, solid and vessel-like areas, composed of atypical cells. Immunohistochemical examination showed diffuse and strong staining with CD31, ERG and FLI1. With these findings, it was diagnosed as angiosarcoma. Although our case was limited to the heart during surgery, lung and pleural metastases were arisen in the postoperatively 5th month despite chemotherapy. Currently she is in the postoperatively 10th month and her follow-up is continued. Conclusion: Cardiac angiosarcomas have a poor prognosis and a fatal course, because they are metastatic at the time of diagnosis and show rapid progression. Early diagnosis and surgical resection can improve the survival. E-PS-03-008 New method of an assessment of thrombogenic complications caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. Anatomical research M. Mnikhovich*, O. Sidorova, I. Shiripenko, S. Snegur, A. Romanov, T. Bezuglova, T. Sotnikova, M. Mnikhovich *Central Pathology Laboratory, Research Institute of Human Mor- phology, Russia Background & objectives: COVID-19 is a new respiratory viral disease caused by a Sars-Cov-2 virus. According to recent research massive vasculitis leading to thrombosis is a typical feature of COVID- 19. Blood clots can be found in different parts of the vasculature. Methods: We present a new method consisting of assessment of throm- bosed vessels of upper and lower limbs. This method applied on 4 upper and 5 lower limbs that were amputated due to critical ischemia caused by thrombosis associated with Sars-CoV-2 virus. Non-fixated material was frozen with the temperature -15°C and cutted in steps of 5 cm by band saw machine JWBS-10S. Results: During the research, accurate cuts of the upper and lower limbs with a thickness of 5 cm were obtained. Usage of a band saw machine allows us to observe exactly thrombogenic complications on every limb. On each of them, sections of vessels filled with thrombotic masses were doubtlessly visible. Such pathomorphological changes caused extensive critical ischemia. Multiple areas of necrotic muscle tissue were also revealed. Conclusion: In this article we have presented a new method of an assessment of thrombogenic complications caused by Sars-Cov-2 virus. This approach can expand pathomorphological practice and may substitute the method of layer-by-layer study of muscles, fas- cia and vessels. Acute thrombosis may lead to severe ischimization of any limb that provokes its necrosis. Gross anatomy observa- tion of thrombotic masses based on N.I. Pirogov’s cutting method allows to estimate thrombosis on different locuses of upper and lower limbs more precisely. E-PS-03-009 Universal model for advanced macroscopic assessment of acute myocardial injuries S. Mozgovoi*, E. Klyuchnikova, A. Zolotov, E. Abrosimova, O. Korpacheva *Omsk State Medical University, Russia Background & objectives: Currently existing laboratory models lack a clear algorithm for selecting a myocardial tissue site for histological and/or immunohistochemical examination to detect tissue reactions and obtain a result linked with prevalence and their ratios in the various areas of myocardium tissue. Methods: The experiments were carried out on 15 white male rats. Three groups of 5 animals were formed. In animals of 1 group, myocardial contusion was reproduced. In the second group, the mechanical occlusion of the coronary was reproduced by ligating the anterior intraventricular artery. In the third group, the ischemic imbalance was reproduced by administration of isoprenaline. Results: Nitro blue tetrazolium chloride confidently differentiated the damage zones of myocardium in animals of all groups, which allowed to calculate its total area. In the first group of animals, the myocardial damage zone within 24 hours of the myocardial contusion simulation captured the intraventricular septum and the anterior walls of the left and right ventricles equally, which was S203

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