ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 Conclusion: CCS is rare and can be misdiagnosed in cervical biopsy due to the lack of identification of one of the tumour com- ponents. CCS is aggressive, being the tumour stage the single most important prognostic factor. CCS most frequently presents as a vaginal discharge, which in this case allowed the diagnosis in an early stage of the disease - FIGO (2018):IB3. Even though there were surgical complications, the patient recovered well, without evidence of disease during the 12-months follow-up. E-PS-09-006 CD163 overexpression in serous ovarian carcinoma with calcification R. Chyzhma*, A. Piddubnyi, R. Moskalenko *Sumy State University, Dept. of Pathology, Sumy, Ukraine Ba ckground & ob j e c t i ve s : CD163 i s exp re s s ed by M2-macrophages in malignant neoplasms. M2-macrophages are tumour-associated macrophages of the immunosuppressive phenotype. They are predictors of unfavorable prognosis and contribute to the progression of the tumour process. To study the CD163 expression in serous ovarian carcinoma. Methods: We examined 30 samples of serous ovarian carcinoma with calcification (group 1) and 30 samples without calcification (group 2). A histological study was performed to verify the material and form groups. An immunohistochemical study was performed using CD163 Monoclonal Antibody. The immunohistochemical study was evaluated by counting CD163+ M2 macrophages in 6 fields of view (1 mm2) of each slice. Results: CD163 expression in group 1 (with calcification) was higher (192.47±14.80 cells per 1 mm2) compared to group 2 (without calcification) (150.67±9.56 cells per 1 mm2, p<0.05, Student’s t-test). CD163+ M2-macrophages were mostly localized in the tumour stroma, tumour cells, and around calcifications. Conclusion: Overexpression of CD163 is detected in serous ovarian carcinoma with calcification. It indicates the involvement of M2-macrophages in the formation of tumour calcifications. E-PS-09-007 An exceptional tumour of the vagina: case report I. Elouarith*, R. Kabbaj, S. Ech-Charif, M. Khmou, Y. Mahdi, B. El Khannoussi *Ibn Sina University Hospital Center, Morocco Background & objectives: Vaginal adenosarcoma is an exceptional tumour arising from endometriosis. We report through this case, the 8th in the literature and the first without endometriosis signs, the elements of the positive diagnosis and our experience in treatment of this rare tumour Methods: A 34-years-old patient consulted for vaginal pain with a prolapse mass. She did not any clinical or radiological sign of endometriosis. Gynaecological examination showed a mass of vagina. Mass biopsy was performed. Pathology results were consistent with the diagnosis of a low grade adenosarcoma. The patient underwent hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy without any neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Results: Primary vaginal adenosarcoma is extremely rare. Only seven cases have been reported in literature. It was reported that vaginal adenosarcoma were considered to be arising from vaginal endometriosis. Our patient is the first in the literature without a sign of endometriosis. Anatomopathological examination is the gold standard for diagnosis. Histological examination reveals a biphasic tumour with phyllodes- like architecture composed of benign endometrioid glands and stroma. Depending on stromal cytologic atypia, we distinguish low grade adenosarcomas with monotonous stromal nuclei with mild to moderate atypia and High grade adenosarcomas with pleomorphic and markedly atypical nuclei. Surgical exicion is the main management. Benefit of postoperative chemotherapy or radiotherapy is uncertain. Conclusion: Vaginal adenosarcoma is an extremely rare biphasic neoplasm that is most often, but not necessarily, linked to endometriosis. The diagnosis is based on histological study because of non-specific clinical and radiological features. Treatment and prognostic factors have not been established yet. E-PS-09-008 A combined high grade serous carcinoma and carcinosarcoma arising in mature teratoma in ovary: a report of a case S.Y. Kwon*, J.M. Park, S.J. Kum, H.C. Shin, H.W. Lee, H.R. Jung, I. Hwang, M. Choe, S. Kim *Keimyung University, Republic of Korea Background & objectives: Carcinosarcoma is a rare type of malignant ovarian tumour, consists of both epithelial carcinoma and malignant mesenchymal tumour. Additionally, it is much rarer, coexisting with other types of ovarian malignancy. Methods: We present a case of a 67-year-old postmenopausal woman with combined high grade serous carcinoma and carcino- sarcoma arising in mature teratoma in the same ovary. The patient visited our hospital due to abdominal distension for a year and the computed tomography showed a 5cm-sized solid mass with ascites of whole pelvic cavity. She underwent explolaparotomy after pre- operative chemotherapy. Results: Grossly, right ovary showed a solid and cystic mass with hair and cartilaginous components. Microscopiccaly, tumour was composed of an admixture of biphasic malignant tumour arising in mature teratoma. The malignant mesenchymal tumours consisted of chondrosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, and undifferentiated sarcoma, while malignant epithelial components were squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Synchronously, high grade serous carcinoma with positivity of WT-1 and p53 coexisted in the same ovary. The patient died of the peritoneal seeding of malignant tumour 2 years after diagnosis, despite the postoperative chemotherapy. Conclusion: Malignant transformation of a mature teratoma is associated with a poor prognosis. To our knowledge, this is a unique case, carcinosarcoma arising in teratoma coexisting with high grade serous carcinoma, which has not been reported previously. E-PS-09-009 Alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of adult uterine cervix: a rare case report J. Park*, S.J. Kum, H.C. Shin, H.W. Lee, H.R. Jung, I. Hwang, M. Choe, S. Kim, S.Y. Kwon *Department of Pathology, Keimyung University School of Medi- cine, Republic of Korea Background & objectives: Rhabdomyosarcoma of uterine cervix is a very rare malignant tumour, especially in adults. Rhabdomyosarcoma is S257

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