ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 E-PS-09-019 Serous cystadenofibroma and mature cystic teratoma. A rare case of collision tumours of the ovary G. Stanc*, E. Souka, N. Novkovic, L. Karelis, G. Vorgias, C. Vala- vanis, H. Trihia *Pathology Department Metaxa Cancer Hospital, Greece Background & objectives: Collision tumour is coexistence of adjacent neoplasms in the same organ without histological intermixing. Colli- sion tumours have been reported in various organs but are relatively rare in the ovary. We report a case of coexistent serous cystadenofi- broma and cystic teratoma. Methods: A 39-year-old patient underwent salpingo-oophorec- tomy. On macroscopic examination the ovary was replaced by a cyst measuring 7.5cm in greatest diameter with smooth outer surface. Cross section revealed two adjacent cysts. One cyst with sebaceous material, hair and a small solid nodule in the inner wall. The other cyst containing clear fluid, with a small papillary area 2,5cm in greatest diameter. Results: Microscopic examination of the wall of the ovarian cyst revealed a mixture of mature benign tissues, like strati- fied squamous epithelium associated with keratinous material, dermal adnexa, respiratory epithelium, fatty tissue and bone marrow with medullary space. The adjacent cyst was lined by benign serous (ciliated/ cuboidal) epithelium. The small pap- illary excrescences and the glands within the fibrotic stroma were also lined by benign serous epithelium. Based on the histological features a diagnosis of collision tumour of the ovary comprising a serous cystadenofibroma and mature cystic teratoma was made. Conclusion: Various combinations of collision tumours of the ovary have been reported, although quite rare and with not well understood pathogenesis. They are only diagnosed post-operatively after histopathological examination and their recognition is very important as accurate diagnosis of each component is paramount for proper management, depending on the individual biological characteristics of each of the tumour components. In case of malignancy, the most aggressive component and stage of the tumour will determine the prognosis. E-PS-09-020 The immunohistochemical validation of Bcl-2 family proteins in ovarian cancer A. Tregubova*, A. Zamaraev, B. Zhivotovsky, G. Kopeina, A. Mag- naeva, A. Asaturova *FSBI «National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynae- cology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov», Russia Background & objectives: The Bcl-2 family proteins are well-charac- terized regulators of the mitochondrial (intrinsic) pathway of apoptosis. In this study, using immunohistochemical approach we estimated the level of both pro-apoptotic (Bak, Bax, Bid, Bim) and anti-apoptotic (Bcl-2, BclxL) proteins in ovarian cancer samples. Methods: The level of Bcl-2 family of proteins was estimated as Q-score that takes into account the intensity and percentage of positively-stained cells. The Q-score distribution of each protein was evaluated according to clinicopathological parameters such TNM stage, lymphatic invasion and tumour grade. The Wilcoxon- Mann-Whitney non-parametric test and Spearman correlation was used for statistical analysis. Results: In current study 58 cases of ovarian carcinomas were included. According with clinical and pathological data, 14 (24%) were classified as T1-2 (TNM classification), 44 (76%) as T3-4, and 42 (72%) were characterized as high-grade carcinomas. The Q-scores of Bcl-2 protein was significantly lower than Q-scores of other members Bcl-2 family proteins. Moreover, about 20% of tumours did not express Bcl-2 (Q-score was 0) in the epithelial component. The Q-scores of Bcl-2 were statistically significantly higher in T1-2 group than in T3-4 [p=0.007]. It was observed that the Q-scores of Bcl-2 was less in high-grade tumours [p=0.046], while the same parameter of Bim was higher in high-grade tumours [p=0.001]. Conclusion: Immunohistochemical analysis of the ovarian car- cinoma samples demonstrated that Bcl-2 expression was signifi- cantly lower than expression of other members of Bcl-2 family proteins and negatively correlated with the size and grade of pri- mary tumour. These observations could indicate a suppressive role of Bcl-2 in progression of ovarian tumours. Funding: Grant from the Russian Science Foundation (17-75-20102) E-PS-09-021 Clinicopathological presentation and outcome of adult-type granulosa cell tumours of the ovary: a retrospective study of 24 patients M. Triki*, N. Ellouze, I. Saguem, M. Manai, W. Ghribi, T. Bouda- wara, M. Mellouli *Department of Pathology, Habib Bourguiba University Hospital, Sfax, Tunisia Background & objectives: Granulosa cell tumours (GCT) of ovaries are rare neoplasms originating from sex-cord stromal cells. They are characterized by their long natural history and tendency to recur years after initial diagnosis. Our aim is to evaluate clinico-pathological find- ings in Tunisian women. Methods: We collected, during 11 years, 24 cases of adult GCT of the ovaries, diagnosed in the department of pathology of Habib Bourguiba Hospital within the period lasting from Janu- ary 2011 to December 2021. Results: Median age was 46,8 years. The most common symp- tom was menorrhagia (11cases). Tumours median size was 14,6 cm. Microscopically, microfollicular patterns were the most common patterns (13 cases). Call-Exner bodies were seen in 18 cases. Moderate atypia were seen in 7 cases and marked atypia in one. Mitoses were ≥ 5 mitoses/10 HPF in 7 cases. Eight cases had necrosis. Immunohistochemically, Inhibin was positive in 100% tumours. Three cases recurred after 3, 8 and 20 years. One patient was lost of sight. The two other had an incomplete surgi- cal resection of the residual tumour with adjuvant chemotherapy. One patient had regression of the residual tumour. The second developed hepatic metastasis. Conclusion: GCT are the most frequent hormono-secreting tumours of the ovary. They have a low malignancy potential and generally have a good prognosis. Mitotic index and residual tumour disease are the most valuable prognostic factors. Complete tumour resection should always be attempted. Chemotherapy can be effective in recurrent cases. E-PS-09-022 CD34 as a predictive marker for the effect of autologous plate- let rich plasma and autologous endometrial cells in treating infertile women with thin endometrium A. Tregubova*, A. Asaturova, A. Magnaeva, Z. Efendieva, P. Vishnyakova, I. Apolikhina, D. Artemova, K. Butov, E. Kalinina, T. Fedorova, T. Fatkhudinov, G. Sukhikh S261

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