ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 *FSBI «National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynaecol- ogy and Perinatology named after Academician V.I.Kulakov», Russia Background & objectives: To evaluate the endometrial immunophenotype of patients treated with hysteroscopically controlled injections of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) and autologous endometrial cells as a treatment for infertile women with thin endometrium for prognosis of the treatment outcome. Methods: To evaluate the endometrial immunophenotype of patients treated with hysteroscopically controlled injections of autologous platelet rich plasma (PRP) and autologous endometrial cells as a treatment for infertile women with thin endometrium for prognosis of the treatment outcome. Results: PgR expression in successfully pregnant patients: in glands Me =300,0 (Q1-Q3: 267.5-300.0), stroma: Me =300,0 (Q1- Q3: 267.5-300.0); in non-pregnant patients: in glands Me =300,0 (Q1-Q3: 180.0-300.0), in stroma 297.0 (Q1-Q3 294.0-300.0), p=0.437 for glands, p=0.247 for stroma. ER expression in suc- cessfully pregnant patients: in glands Me =300,0 (Q1-Q3: 260.0- 300.0), stroma: Me =300,0 (Q1-Q3: 240.0-297.5); in non-pregnant patients: in glands Me =297.0 (Q1-Q3: 230.0-300.0), in stroma 294.0 (Q1-Q3 260.0-300.0), p=0.611 for glands, p=1 for stroma. CD34 expression in successfully pregnant patients: Me =3.0 (Q1- Q3: 2.0-4.0); in non-pregnant patients: Me =4.0 (Q1-Q3: 3.0-4.0) (evaluated only in stroma). p=0.035. Conclusion: We applied a novel approach for infertility treatment in patients with refractory thin endometrium. Injections of PRP into basal layer of endometrium facilitate the reconstitution by enhancing cell proliferation and angiogenesis. The effect can be predicted with CD34 expression in endometrial stroma which can help to stratify patients effectively before the treatment procedure. Funding: State assignment №121040600436-7 E-PS-09-024 Mixed ovarian yolk sac tumour with mucinous carcinoma and ganglioneuroma in a postmenopausal female: a case report C.Y. Chow*, S.L. Wong *Singapore General Hospital, Singapore Background & objectives: Ovarian germ cell tumours in postmeno- pausal patients are rare. They have a poorer outcome compared with those in young women. We report a case of mixed ovarian yolk sac tumour with mucinous carcinoma and ganglioneuroma. Methods: A 55-year-old nulliparous lady presented with change in bowel habits and an abdominal mass was palpable on examination. CT scan revealed a multiloculated solid-cystic mass in the pelvis. The patient underwent total abdominal hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo- oophorectomy, pelvic lymphadenectomy and omentectomy. Mac- roscopic examination showed a ruptured 20cm solid-cystic tumour replacing the left ovary, with large areas of haemorrhage and necrosis. Results: The tumour comprised three separate components of differ- ent lineages, namely a germ cell tumour (yolk sac tumour), an epithe- lial tumour (mucinous carcinoma) and a tumour of neural crest origin (ganglioneuroma). The mucinous carcinoma merged with the yolk sac tumour, but was a distinct separate component as shown by their contrasting immunohistochemical profile. One of the postulations was that this tumour may be a mixed germ cell tumour with a com- ponent of yolk sac tumour and a teratoma, from which the epithelial neoplasm and ganglioneuroma grew. The behaviour of this tumour appeared to be driven by the yolk sac component, as evidenced by metastatic disease composed solely of yolk sac tumour. Conclusion: The prognosis of ovarian germ cell tumour in post- menopausal women is poor, even for patients with early-stage dis- ease. Our patient died of her disease at 6 months after diagnosis, which is in accordance with other similar cases reported in the lit- erature. The rarity of germ cell tumour in postmenopausal women can cause initial diagnostic uncertainty to the unwary. It is impor- tant to reach the accurate diagnosis as most of the cases have an aggressive clinical course. E-PS-09-025 Primary peritoneal psammocarcinoma: a case report and review of literature I. Helal*, K. Ben Lazreg, F. Khanchel, S. Fkih, R. Hedhli, R. Jouini, A. Chadli *Habib Thameur Hospital, Tunisia Background & objectives: Psammocarcinoma is a rare form of low- grade serous carcinoma originating in the ovaries or the peritoneum. The primary peritoneal psammocarcinoma (PPP) is even rarer. We present a rare case of fortuitous discovery of a PPP and review of literature. Methods: A 74-year-old woman was admitted to the surgery department to undergo cholecystectomy for gallbladder lithiasis. At laparoscopy, we discovered peritoneal nodules that were biop- sied. Subsequently, a hysterectomy, bilateral adnexectomy and omentectomy were performed. Bibliographic research, using the term “Primary Peritoneal Psammocarcinoma”, was performed at Pubmed databases from 1990 to 2019. Results: Biopsy’s pathological examination showed small epi- thelial nests under 15 cells with low-grade cytological features invading surrounding structures with extensive psammomatous bodies. Pathologic examination of the later specimen revealed no invasion of the ovarian stroma. Our case fulfilled all the criteria defined by Gilks and modified by Chen et al for the diagnosis of PPP. The decision of medical staff was to complete by adjuvant chemotherapy after surgery. Up to date, fewer than 30 cases of PPP have been reported in the English literature. The mean age was 54 years old, and the most common clinical presentation was an inci- dental discovery. Most institutions recommend optimal debulking followed by adjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusion: The PPP has morphologic diagnostic criteria that dis- tinguish it from other epithelial serous neoplasms. The behaviour of this tumour is unclear, and the treatment is not standardized because of its rarity and lack of long-term follow-up. More cases need to be studied for better understanding and improvement of the management protocols. E-PS-09-026 Solid mature teratoma associated with gliomatosis peritonei: a case report R. Rolim*, T. Resende, T.M. Cunha, F. Cunha, A. Felix *IPO Lisboa Francisco Gentil, Portugal Background & objectives: Gliomatosis peritonei (GP) is the presence of benign peritoneal implants of mature glia tissue, with unclear origin. It’s generally found in patients with immature ovarian teratoma. Less than 100 cases of mature ovarian teratoma with GP were reported. Methods: We report the case of a 9-year-old girl with abdominal distension and pain. CT-scan identified an adnexal tumour with peritoneal dissemination. Alpha-fetoprotein and CA-125 serum lev- els were: 42,56 ng/mL,165,2 U/mL. CEA and β-HCG were normal. A salpingo-oophorectomy, omentectomy and parietal peritoneum excision was performed. After 5 months of follow-up the patient is asymptomatic, without radiological disease or increased neoplastic markers. S262

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