ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 Conclusion: Hydatidiform mole is real public health problem in developing countries. Ultrasound and elevated BHCG levels are reliable diagnostic tests. Microscopic examination allows the clas- sification of hydatidiform mole into complete mole and partial mole. This distinction is sometimes difficult, hence the interest of a complementary immunohistochemical study using anti-p57 antibodies. Early diagnosis of a degeneration into invasive mole or choriocarcinoma is based on close monitoring. E-PS-09-045 Mixed Müllerian tumours of the ovary: a Tunisian case series Z. Nfikha, N. Abdessayed*, Y. Fejji, A. Bchir, S. Mabrouk, M. Mokni *Department of pathology, Farhat Hached University Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia Background & objectives: Malignant mixed Mullerian tumours (MMMT) of the ovary, also called carcinosarcoma, are defined by the presence of a double epithelial and mesenchymal component. These aggressive neoplasms originate from the Mullerian derivatives of the female genital tract. The prognosis is very poor. Methods: Ten cases of MMMT were collected in the department of pathology of the Farhat Hached hospital, Sousse, over a period of 10 years. The various data were collected from the medical files and the pathology reports. Immunohistochemistry was performed on 4 μm FFPE tissue sections. The antibodies used were cytokera- tin, vimentin, desmin, h-caldesmone, myogenin and protein S100. Results: Mean age was 53 years. The main symptom was pelvic pain. Tumour was bilateral in two cases with a FIGO stage of IIa in one patient, IIIc in three patients and IV in six patients. Total hysterectomy with bilateral adnexectomy was performed in eight patients followed by chemotherapy in seven patients. Microscopic and immunohistochemical study revealed the presence of a heter- ologous component in six patients, this component was rhabdomyo- sarcomatous in four cases and chondrosarcomatous in two cases. Conclusion: MMMT of the ovary is rare representing 2% of malignant ovarian tumours. pathological examination is the key examination for the diagnosis and staging of these tumours. MMMT are histologically defined by the presence of dual- component tumour, with a high-grade carcinomatous epithelial component and a sarcomatous mesenchymal component that may be homologous or heterologous. The heterologous component may be rhabdomyosarcomatous, chondrosarcomatous or, more rarely, osteosarcomatous. The prognosis is poor with a median survival of less than 24 months. E-PS-09-046 Vitamin E reduces the suppression of oestrogen receptors in the rat endometrium caused by exposure to heavy metals K. Sikora, M. Lyndin, R. Moskalenko, Y. Lyndina, N. Hyriavenko, W.A. Awuah, V. Sikora*, A. Romaniuk *Sumy State University, Ukraine Background & objectives: The spread of heavy metals is directly related to the growing risk of uterine pathologies. Moreover, disorders of uterine hormonal sensitivity depend on pollutants combinations, concentration, pathways and exposure duration. Methods: Female rats were divided into control (group I) and experimental groups. Experimental rats were orally treated by HMs (Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cr) with (group III) and without vitamin E (group II) administration for 90 days. The immunohistochemical investigation was performed utilizing primary antibodies to ER (rabbit anti-ER Monoclonal Antibody – E115 clone). Results: A strong (+++) positive nuclear ER immunoexpression was found in the majority of the epithelial (luminal and glandular) and stromal cells of the endometrium of control animals. In con- trast, the level of ER-positive endometrial cells was significantly decreased (+) in HM-treated rats (group II). Herewith, vitamin E administration leads to a suppression decrease of ER expres- sion (++) in the rat endometrium (group III), compared to the II experimental group. Moreover, the intensity of ER signal was also reduced in both experimental groups. Conclusion: The prolonged influence of heavy metals leads to a significant decrease in ER expression and its intensity in rats’ endometrium. Vitamin E supplementation is accompanied by less pronounced changes in the generation of oestrogen receptors in the uterine mucosa in heavy metals-exposed rats. E-PS-09-047 Clinicopathological features of clear cell carcinomas of the uterus: a single institutional experience, India N. Bhandari*, B. Rekhi, S. Chandwani, K. Deodhar, S. Menon, N. Mittal, J. Ghosh, B. Dash, A. Maheshwari *Department of Surgical Pathology/Tata Memorial Hospital, Parel, Mumbai, India Background & objectives: Clear cell carcinoma (CCC) of the uterine corpus is an uncommon yet aggressive malignancy, with few studies evaluating its clinicopathological features, including none from our country. This retrospective study aims at analysing various clinico- pathologic features of uterine CCCs. Methods: Twenty two CCCs of the uterus were reviewed. Three cases were excluded. Remaining 19 cases were analysed for various clinicopathological features, including outcomes. Immunohisto- chemical expression of Napsin A was graded as 1+(<10% tumour cells), 2+(10-60%) and 3+(>60% staining pattern. Age-range was 40-75 years(median=63). Thirteen patients had endometrial tumours, 5 had cervical and one patient had tumour in endome- trium and cervix. Results: Average tumour-size(n=15) was 4.5 cm. Stage-wise(n=7), patients had 1A(n=2), 1B(n=1), III(n=3) and IV(n=1) tumours. Most common histopathologic pattern was tubulocystic+papilla ry(n=14,73.6%), followed by solid/hypernephroid(n=2,10.5%). Thirteen were pure CCCs, while six were mixed-types, including serous(n=4), endometrioid(n=1) and serous+endometrioid(n=1) components. Myometrial infiltration ≥50% was in 5/11(45.4%) cases and lymphovascular invasion in 4/16(25%) cases. Immuno- histochemically, tumour cells were positive for Napsin A(19/19, mostly 2+/3+), ER(6/17, 35.3%, variable), PR(4/11, 36.4%), p53(n=15, wild-type=7, mutation-type=8), CK7(4/4) and PAX8(4/4), while negative for WT1(0/6). Therapeutically, 16/19 patients underwent hysterectomy, including total abdominal hys- terectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy(n=9, 56.2%); 8 received adjuvant chemotherapy(CT)+radiotherapy(RT); 2, adjuvant RT, and one received adjuvant CT. On follow-up(n=9, median=6 months), 7 were free-of-disease and 2 were alive-with- disease(recurrence=1, metastasis=1). Conclusion: CCC of the uterine corpus is a rare tumour, mostly involved the endometrium. An index of suspicion based on certain morphological features, supplemented with Napsin A immunostain, in our settings, is useful for its exact diagnosis. Most cases were treated with surgical resection, followed by adjuvant therapies in some. Rarely, mixed patterns, including component of serous and endometrioid types co-exist, the former, associated with p53-mutation type expression. S268

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