ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 Background & objectives: N.I. Pirogov is undoubtedly recognized as a world leader in the study of the surgical anatomy of blood vessels and vascular pathology. He described a huge number of vascular patholo- gies, having a very serious impact on medicine. Methods: We analysed literary sources from the very N. Pirogov times to the present and to understand Pirogov’s contribution to the development of angiology and vascular pathology as sciences. Results: In the dissertation “Is the ligation of the abdominal aorta in an aneurysm of the inguinal region an easy and safe intervention”, defended in 1832 in the city of Dorpat, N. Pirogov raised the question of to what extent and due to which arteries collateral circulation devel- ops after ligation of the abdominal aorta. In addition, it is worth noting that, N. Pirogov had a huge number of other works in the context of angiology, filling in the gaps in the study of vascular pathology initiated by Hunter, Stromeyer, Larrey and even Lambert. Conclusion: Thanks to the ideas of N.I. Pirogov about the pos- sibility of collateral circulation, today it is possible to operate on the abdominal aorta and large arteries, clamping them for a certain time without the danger of immediate thrombosis and the development of acute ischemia. N. Pirogov is rightfully consid- ered one of the greatest anatomists who very seriously influenced the development of normal and pathological anatomy. E-PS-13 | E-Posters Infectious Diseases Pathology E-PS-13-001 Features of the cell composition of the inflammatory infil- trate in different phases of diffuse alveolar lung damage with COVID-19 V. Rodionov*, A. Avdalyan, O. Zairat’yants, D. Konovalov, D. Protsenko *MMCC "Kommunarka", Russia Background & objectives: Mortality from ARDS with COVID-19 is 26.0 - 61.5%, and due to other causes - 35.3-37.2%. To find of the cor- relation between CD15-positive cells, CD3-positive cells and CD68- positive cells in the inflammatory infiltrate in lung with COVID-19. Methods: The lung tissue of 25 patients who died from ARDS with COVID-19 without a secondary bacterial or mycotic infec- tion, another thanatologically significant pathology of the lungs, was studied during autopsies. To study the cellular composition of the inflammatory infiltrate and the dynamics of its changes was used a double immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of antibodies to CD15, CD3, CD68. Results: The inflammatory infiltrate in the exudative phase of DAD was represented by 56.8% of PMNs (CD15-positive cells; hereinafter, ratio percentage of positive cells to the total number of inflammatory infiltrate cells), 6.9% - lymphocytes (CD3-positive cells) and 19.5% macrophages (CD68-positive cells). In the early stage of the proliferative phase: 14.1% PMNs (CD15-positive cells), 38.7% lymphocytes (CD3-positive cells) and 13.5% mac- rophages (CD68-positive cells). In the late stage of the prolifera- tive phase: 11.3% PMNs (CD15-positive cells), 14.5% lympho- cytes (CD3-positive cells) and 39.3% macrophages (CD68-positive cells). Conclusion: In the exudative phase CD15-positive cells predomi- nate, which is probably the trigger for the development of DAD and determines the volume of lung signs and the severity of ARDS in COVID-19. In the early stage of the proliferative phase CD3- positive cells predominate, which corresponds to the beginning of proliferation and repair processes. In the late stage of the pro- liferative phase of DAD the predominance of CD68-positive cells was revealed, which correlates with the processes of organization in lung tissues. E-PS-13-002 Immunohistochemical profile of control cell cycle, proliferation and differentiation proteins of atypical alveolar epithelium with diffuse alveolar damage caused by COVID-19 in comparison with lung lepidic adenocarcinoma N. Boriskin*, A. Avdalyan, M. Koryukov, A. Shilov, I. Oskorbin, D. Protsenko, M. Filipenko *Moscow Multidisciplinary Clinical Center “Kommunarka” of Moscow Healthcare department, Russia Background & objectives: We aim to compare expression profiles of control cell cycle, proliferation, differentiation proteins and nuclei sizes in atypical epithelium (AE) of lung tissue with diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) and lung lepidic adenocarcinoma (LA). Methods: Twenty-four autopsy cases of patients who died from acute respiratory damage syndrome induced by COVID-19, approv- ing by PCR, (group 1) and four cases of lung lepidic adenocarci- noma (group 2). We made slides with the following antibodies: p53, Ki67, p16, p63 for each of the cases. Then the rate of stained cells of AE was calculated on each slide. Results: We found statistically significant differences in p16 sub- group and p63 subgroup. We found a negative correlation between Ki67-index and number of days from onset of symptoms in group 1. No significant differences were revealed in subgroup p53 and Ki67. Conclusion: The present study has shown heterogeneity in differences of expression levels of control cell cycle, proliferation and differentiation proteins between groups, and correlation between Ki67-index and number of days from onset reflecting decreasing proliferative activity. It shows similarities and differences of the lung AE in neoplastic and regenerative condition. E-PS-13-003 COVID-19 associated mucormycosis: a case series A. Vigdorovits*, O. Tica, S. Terniceanu, A. Ardelean, C. Venter, E. Ro ș ca, A.C. Venter *Department of Anatomical Pathology, County Clinical Emer- gency Hospital of Oradea, Romania Background & objectives: Since the start of the COVID-19 pan- demic, mucormycosis cases have been on the rise. The most common form of the disease, rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis (ROCM), has high morbidity and mortality. We present 4 cases of ROCM diag- nosed in our hospital. Methods: The 4 patients presented to the hospital between September 2020 and February 2022. After clinical assessment, MRI and CT imag- ing studies were performed. Tissue samples were sent to the Pathology Department, where mucormycosis was confirmed via histopathology. Results: All 4 patients were male. The mean age was 65.5 years. On admission, two patients were COVID-19 positive while the other two had long COVID. Three patients had type 2 diabetes. Two cases presented with ground glass opacities on lung CT. One case had a Glasgow Coma Scale of 5 on admission, and imaging demonstrated changes suggestive of encephalitis, as well as intraventricular haemorrhage. Histopathology in all four cases revealed wide, ribbon-like hyphae that branched at right angles. The patients were treated by repeated surgical debridement coupled with antifungal medication. One patient died of pulmonary embolism while another died due to septic shock. S293

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