ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 E-PS-13-007 Clinico-pathological analysis in lethal cases due different geno- types of coronavirus M. Vashukova, V. Zinserling*, A. Komissarov, D. Lioznov *V.A. Almazov Research Center, Russia Background & objectives: Among other aspects of new coronavirus infection important role of different genotypes causing disease with certain epidemiological and clinical peculiarities is known. There are no literary data related to morphological characteristics of lesions due to different virus genotypes Methods: We made clinic-pathological analysis in 39 lethal cases in age 18-95 ys in which virus genotype was determined during life time by sequence of viral RNA: delta line PANGO B.1.6617.2, AY.12 -25 pts- 1 group , alpha line PANGO АТ.1 - 5 pts – 2 group, rare forms lines PANGO B.1.1.317, B.1.1.396, B.1.1.291, B.1.1.121) 9 pts – 3 group. Results: All patients suffered from pneumonia, majority (37- 95,5%) had concomitant diseases/ Average time of hospitalization 19± 1,6 ds, average staying in intensive care unit 7,7 ±During the analysis between 2 and 3 group was shown difference between age of the patients (2 versus 3 group), duration of staying in the intensive care unit (1 versus 3 and 2 versus 3 groups) and grade of lymphopenia (2 versus 3 group). No differences were detected in average length of hospitalization, level of IL-6, D-dimer, CRP, ferritin. Histopathological picture in all investigated was grossly the same. Conclusion: Thus, no significant differences between the changes due to different serotypes of new coronavirus could be detected, probably it can be explained by the fact that the mutations doesn’t include parts of genome relevant to virulence factors, although further studies are obligate. E-PS-13-008 Strongyloides stercoralis - a rare sighting in a gastroduodenal biopsy A. Ardelean*, A. Vigdorovits, O. Tica *PhMPh Oradea, University of Oradea, County Emergency Hos- pital Oradea, Romania Background & objectives: A 53-year-old male, diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and pemphigus foliaceus, under treatment with azathioprine and high doses of prednisone, is admitted for epigastric pain, nausea and vomiting. A histological examination was performed in order to diagnose the underlying cause. Methods: An upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy was performed and tissue samples were taken from the ulcerative lesions of the antral stomach and duodenum. The biopsy samples were prepared for microscopy using paraffin processing techniques and the sec- tions were coloured using a standard hematoxylin-eosin stain. The specimen was microscopically examined and the results obtained were correlated with available scientific literature. Results: The upper GI endoscopy showed oesophagitis with Candida albicans, mucosal erosions in the lower oesophagus and multiple gastric ulcerations covered by fibrin. Upon microscopic examination, active ulceration of the gastric mucosa, areas of necrosis and multiple pluricellular parasites in various stages of evolution located in the gas- tric pits were found. The parasites had the morphology of S. stercora- lis and they elicited an inflammatory response primarily consisting of eosinophils and neutrophils. Additionally, scattered alongside the areas of necrotized mucosa, multiple cocci and filamentous structures with features compatible with Candida were identified. Conclusion: The definitive diagnosis was duodenal infection with Strongyloides stercoralis, which had extended to the antral stomach, and bacterial superinfection. In this specific case, the finding was unexpected and incidental. This finding underlines the risk of S. stercoralis infection in immunocompromised patients and its presence should be considered in the case of patients from this category presenting with GI symptoms. Furthermore, this case report highlights the role of histopathological examinations in the identification and diagnosis of GI parasites. E-PS-13-009 Cellular phenomenon of lymphoid cells with Roussel bodies and "flaming" cells in spleen tissue of patients who died of COVID-19 M. Bobrovskikh, A. Bobrovskikh, A. Filin* *Voronezh State Medical University, Russia Background & objectives: Combination of COVID-19 infection and mixed flora in lung tissue and formation of lymphoid cells with Roussel bodies in tissues of the spleen is an incompletely studied phenomenon. Methods: Autopsy material from 34 spleens of individuals who died of confirmed COVID-19 in 2020 was examined. Material was obtained from 20 men and 14 women who died between the ages of 30 and 91 years. The duration of illness ranged from 3 to 23 days. The material was stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Part of the material was stained by PAS reaction. Results: Few cells with Roussel bodies were found in red pulp of spleen. Foci of coccus flora in alveolar cavity was combined with depletion of red pulp of the spleen and its focal necrosis in isolated cases. Single large lymphoid cells of "flaming" type, single lym- phoid cells with Roussel bodies, single mitoses in cells with Mott cell morphology were recorded in the spleen tissue. Sometimes a rare features of topography was observed for cells with Roussel bodies in the spleen tissue in the form of their central location sur- rounded by lymphoplasmacytic cells in the form of immune rosette. Conclusion: Lymphoid cells with Roussel bodies in the spleen of patients who died from COVID-19, in combination with mixed flora in the lungs, can be considered as a morphological criterion reflecting progressive immune system depression with unfavour- able outcome of the disease. E-PS-13-011 Hydatid cyst of the spleen: retrospective study and review of the literature S. Makni*, Y. Loukil, M. Manai, I. Saguem, C. Kammoun, R. Kal- lel, T. Boudawara, M. Mellouli *Habib Bourguiba University Hospital, Tunisia Background & objectives: Hydatid disease is a parasitic infection caused by Echinococcus Granulosis. It is a common health problem in many countries. This infection predominantly affects the liver followed by lungs. Splenic localization is rare and may pose a diagnostic challenge for clinicians. Methods: We diagnosed 7 cases of splenic hydatid cyst between 2013 and 2022, in the department of pathology at Habib Bourguiba University Hospital of Sfax. Results: Mean age of patients was 37 years-old (extreme: 23-69 years). Six of them were females (sex-ratio:0,16). cysts size varied from 3 to 12 cm, several daughter cysts were found in two cysts. Concomitant splenic, liver and peritoneal cysts were diagnosed in one case and a history of lung cyst was noted in another. Diagnosis was revealed by ultrasound supported by positive serologic tests otherwise CT scan was in favour of epidermoid cyst in one case. Total splenectomy was performed to all patients. Histopathological S295

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