ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 teaching. To know the degree of satisfaction and the usefulness of an innovative practice in a non-medical subject in collaboration with a Pathology Unit. Methods: 48 students carried out a practical activity of viewing digi- tized human biopsies. Students observe biopsy images of a pathol- ogy according to its cellular alteration and corresponding pathology was selected. On each image, they identified the tissue/organ, the "residual" histological structures and their alterations. This activity was evaluated by an anonymous survey on a Likert scale (0-5). Results: The survey was answered voluntarily by 85.48% of the students enrolled in the subject, of which 24 were women (58.5%), 16 men (2.4%) and 1 person without assigned gender (2.4%). The responses were grouped into 3 blocks: 1) evaluation of the method- ology used with a mean score of 4.31; 2) usefulness of the activity, which obtained a mean score of 4.41; 3) general evaluation of the innovative teaching practice where 53.6% (22) had an excellent opinion of it, 43.9% (18) acceptable and 2.5% (1) fair. Conclusion: The interpretation of histopathological images has been a teaching innovation highly valued by the students. The teaching strategies must be implemented in different subjects of the study plans to promote an adequate interaction between health and non-health professionals as a projection to a more transversal university teaching. E-PS-19-008 Male breast cancer with synchronous renal cell carcinoma: a rare presentation S. Mabrouk*, W. Majdoub, A. Baccouche, M. Krifa, A. Bdioui, O. Belkacem, S. Mestiri, S. Hmissa *Department of Pathology, Farhat Hached University Hospital, Tunisia Background & objectives: Male breast cancer (MBC) is rare. Syn- chronous MBC with other types of cancers is exceptional. We report a case of male synchronous breast and renal carcinoma, and we highlight the clinicopathological features of this rare association. Methods: A 60-year-old male smoking patient followed for mental retardation complained of a left breast mass. On questioning, he did not report any other urinary-associated symptoms. Results: A breast biopsy concluded to an invasive breast carcinoma. Thora- coabdominal computed tomography showed bilateral pulmonary micro- nodules and a mass of the left kidney measuring 7cm x 6,8cm, containing heterogeneous enhancement calcifications. The patient underwent breast radical surgery with axillary lymph node dissection and postoperative stag- ing was T4b N1. Thus the patient was referred to the urologic department for renal surgery before adjuvant chemotherapy for the breast cancer. A left nephrectomy was done. The pathological examination concluded to papillary renal cell carcinoma type 1 with nuclear grade 2 and absence of associated breast carcinoma contingent. The patient underwent adjuvant chemotherapy for the breast cancer with regular follow-up. Conclusion: Synchronous tumours with MBC are rare and to our knowledge, this is the first case reporting synchronous MBC with kid- ney tumour. Few studies reported the tendency of papillary renal cell carcinoma subtype to be associated with multiple neoplasias. Therefore our case enriches the data to perspective studies of synchronous can- cers associated with certain histologic subtypes and could be a clue to detect cancers most frequently associated with certain histologic types. E-PS-20 | E-Posters Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology E-PS-20-001 Nephroblastoma associated with nephroblastomatosis: a study of 6 cases A. Bchir, N. Ben Abdeljelil, N. Abdessayed*, M. Mokni, A. Zakhama *Department of Pathology, Farhat Hached University Hospital, Sousse, Tunisia Background & objectives: Nephroblastoma associated with nephro- blastomatosis is a rare embryonal renal disease with a high incidence in children under 5 year-old. Nephroblastomatosis is regarded as pre- cursor lesion of nephroblastoma. The aim of our study is to recall the anatomo-clinical features . Methods: A total of six cases of nephroblastoma associated with nephroblastomatosis diagnosed at the Department of Pathology of University Hospital in Monastir and treated in the Pediatric Sur- gery Department of University Hospital in Monastir , over a period of 25 years (from 1995 to 2020). A review of clinical, paraclinical, pathological and evolutionary data was performed in all cases. Results: These were 4 female and 2 male, with an average age of 40 months. The average diagnosis time was 2.35 months. The main clinical presentation was abdominal mass. Four cases were limited to the kidney and two had pulmonary metastasis. The treatment was multidisciplinary combining pre-operative CT, surgery and post-operative CT according to SIOP. The pathological examination showed two tumours classified as stage I, one as stage II, one as stage IV and two as stage V. Three cases were classified as intermediate risk, one as high risk and two cases associated intermediate and high risk. The evolution of patients was favourable in 5 cases. One patient was dead. Conclusion: Nephroblastomatosis is defined by the presence of multiple or diffuse nephrogenic remains, regarded as precursor’s nephroblastoma It is a rare disease with a diagnosis based on histological examination. This entity is caracterized by a high recurrence frequency. Long-term follow up is needed. However, the prognostic of nephroblastoma associated with nephroblastomatosis is still favourable. E-PS-20-002 Multifocal Epstein-Barr virus-associated smooth muscle tumour in an immunosuppressed child with a transplanted liver N. Chia*, D.W.Q. Lian *Department of Pathology, National University Hospital, Singapore Background & objectives: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is widely known to be associated with lymphoproliferative diseases in the setting of post-transplant immunosuppression. Rarely, EBV can also promote smooth muscle proliferation, resulting in an EBV-associated smooth muscle tumour (SMT), a rare and under-recognised clinicopathologi- cal entity. Methods: A 2-year-old girl from Brunei with a history of liver transplant for biliary atresia, presented with stridor, dyspnoea, and subsequent partial focal seizures. Computed tomography showed a 3.9 cm right paratracheal mass with occlusion of the right main bronchus, bilateral lung masses and a 7.9 cm brain mass occupying both cerebrum. The brain and right paratracheal masses were biopsied. Results: The biopsies showed spindle cell lesions arranged in intersecting long fascicles and a focal sheet-like area of primitive round cells. The spindle cells contained cigar-shaped nuclei with dense eosinophilic cytoplasm while the primitive round cells had high nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, round hyperchromatic nuclei and scant cytoplasm. The nuclear atypia was mild and there was nuclear monomorphism. A staghorn-like vascular pattern was seen. This was initially diagnosed as a synovial sarcoma at the primary institution’s laboratory. However, further work up showed the spindle cells (not round cells) were positive for desmin and S322

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