ECP 2022 Abstract Book

Virchows Archiv (2022) 481 (Suppl 1):S1–S364 13 V. Kometova*, L. Mikhaleva, V. Rodionov, I. Kolyadina, M. Dardyk, M. Rodionova *FSBI "V.I.Kulakov NMRC for OGP", Russia Background & objectives: Matrix metalloproteinase-2(MMP-2) plays a role in the invasion and metastasis of cancer through the destruction of the basal membrane and extracellular matrix. The study aimed to investigate MMP-2 expression levels in breast cancer(BC) and its relationships with lymph nodes status. Methods: We tested the expression of MMP-2 in 358 BC specimens with immunohistochemistry (EPR1184, Abcam, USA). All cases were divided into two groups according to intensity of stained tumour cells (negative and mild vs strong cytoplasmic expression). MMP-2 positivity was detected in most cases (262, 72.2%). Nevertheless, strong positive expression (>50% tumour cells,3+) was only in every fifth case (78, 22%). Results: Statistical significant association was found between MMP-2 overexpression(3+) and tumour size(pT2-3) (HR=34.05,p<0.001); Grade3(HR=73.08,p<0.001); ER(0-2 score, Allred)(HR=15.91,p<0.001); PgR(0-2 score, Allred) (HR=13.83,p<0.001); Ki-67≥50%(HR=68.58,p<0.001). There is loss of MMP-2 expression in most luminal A BC(93.8%). There was no statistically significant correlation of MMP-2 expression with patient’s age, number of tumour nodes, its localization, histological type,HER2/neu expression. A significant relationship was found between MMP-2 expression and regional metastasis(р<0,001). In the group with lymph nodes BC metastases the number of cases with MMP-2 overexpression was higher (52 cases,66,7%) than in the group without lymph nodes metastases(26 cases,28.6%). There was negative MMP-2 expression(-) in 86 cases(38.1%) in the group without lymph nodes metastases vs the group with lymph nodes BC metastases (10cases,7,6%)( р<0,001). Conclusion: Identification of specific biomarkers is very impor- tant for prediction of regional metastases. We demonstrated that MMP-2 expression is associated with clinicopathological param- eters of BC and its lymph nodes status. Loss of MMP-2 expression is statistically significantly reduced risk of lymph nodes metastases (p<0.001). Loss of MMP-2 expression was predominant in BC with pT1, Grade I-II, ER-positive, PgR-positive, Ki-67-low parameters. These results suggest that MMP-2 plays a role in the biology of BC. Funding: НИОКТР АААА-А18-118053190016-7 PS-01-010 Sentinel lymph node localization with Magtrace. Our experi- ence so far E. Panopoulou, E. Koniaris*, A. Stylianaki, G. Zografos, G. Kafiri *Pathology Department, General hospital of Athens "Hippokratio", Greece Background & objectives: Magtrace lymphatic tracer is a liquid non-radioactive tracer, specifically designed for sentinel lymph node biopsy, assisting surgeons to locate the first draining axillary lymph nodes. Sentinel lymph nodes (SL) are the first nodes most likely to be infiltrated by metastasis. Methods: The cohort of our study consisted of 22 female patients aged 33-66, surgically treated (WLE or mastectomy) for breast cancer. All patients gave a written informed consent to participate in the experimental study with this lymphatic tracer. In one patient the technique was performed bilaterally. In all cases 1-6 SL were received in each patient, measuring 0,5-2 cm. Results: Patients received the tracer 24 hours to 30 minutes prior to surgery. Macroscopically 1-6 SL were isolated and examined on frozen sections with H&E. SLN were totally enclosed and studied. Microscopically, increased presence of pigment laden macrophage aggregates was noted, found mainly in a central location in the node. Although the amount of the macrophage aggregates were striking, did not interfere with the correct diagnosis and was mainly found in one or two SL, indicating the first one or two SL. At present, common practice involves dual technique, Blue de Methylene or Patent blue in combination with radioactive technetium 99 and this technique doesn’t seem to be inferior. Conclusion: Magtrace, even though a relatively new SLN tracer method, is a standardized technique with a steep learning and teaching curve, as 2-3 applications are sufficient. The main advan- tages of this tracer are its safety, convenience, the non-stigmatizing technique for the patient, the significant lower allergy rates, the radiation free setting (reducing nuclear medicine dependency) and the longer half lifetime reaching up to one month. Overall, Magtrace has highly reproducible and accurate results and produces less discomfort for the patient. PS-01-011 FOXA1 and lymph nodes status in breast cancer V. Kometova*, V. Rodionov, I. Kolyadina, M. Rodionova, M. Dardyk, L. Mikhaleva *FSBI "V.I.Kulakov NMRC for OGP", Russia Background & objectives: Forkhead box protein A1(FOXA1) promotes the transcription of a gene that induces luminal cell dif- ferentiation and suppresses the processes of epithelial-mesenchy- mal transition in breast cancer(BC). In our study, we purposed to investigate the relationship between FOXA1 and lymph node BC metastasis. Methods: We tested the expression of FOXA1 in 358 BC specimens with immunohistochemistry (SP88,Abcam,USA). FOXA1-scoring was done according to the Allred system. Scores of 3-8 are considered positive. Tumours with score 0-4 were considered as FOXA1-low, whereas tumours with score 5-8 were considered as FOXA1-high. FOXA1-negative BC was detected in 89 cases (25%). FOXA1-high expression was detected in 131 cases (36.6%). Results: FOXA1-expression significantly correlates with clinicopathological and immunohistochemical parameters, including those that have a predictive value in the process of lymph node BC metastasis, such as the patient’s age(p=0.004), tumour node size(p=0.028), Grade(p=0.001), ER(p<0.001) and PgR- expression(p=0.003), Ki-67(p<0.001). FOXA1-positive tumours were predominant in both comparing groups (with/without lymph nodes metastases-71.2% and 75.7%, respectively) (р=0.354). However, a significant relationship was found between the level of FOXA1 expression and lymph node BC metastasis(p=0.010). The intensity of FOXA1 expression was higher in the group without lymph node BC metastasis 94 cases(41.6%) compared to the group with lymph node BC metastasis 37 cases(28.2%). No significant difference was obtained in the two compared groups for FOXA1-low expression(p=0.081). Conclusion: FOXA1 was a significant independent prognostic factor for the lymph nodes BC metastases. The intensity of the marker expression has statistical significance (p=0.01). With mod- erate FOXA1 expression, risk of lymph node metastasis decreases compared with weak staining of tumour cells. FOXA1-low expres- sion reversely correlates with BC metastasis and progression and may serve as a prognostic biomarker for predicting lymph node metastasis. Funding: НИОКТР АААА-А18-118053190016-7 PS-01-012 SLC7A5 expression in breast cancer and its association with molecular subtypes S63

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