ECP 2022 Final Programme

E-Posters 125 ECP 2022 Basel E-PS-06 038 Morphogenetic role of mast cells in colorectal cancer Andrey Filin, Russia E. Chupandina, V. Shishkina, A. Goryacheva 039 Visceral leishmaniasis presented as colitis in a patient with multiple myeloma Alexandros Sykaras, Greece C. Kouvidou 040 Mixed neuroendocrine-non-neuroendo- crine neoplasm of the ampulla of Vater: a case report Ines Saguem, Tunisia M. Manai, M. Mellouli, S. Ben Tekaya, S. Graja, A. Trigui, T. Boudawara, R. Kallel 041 Dedifferentiated liposarcoma of the cecum and right adrenal gland, leiomyo- sarcoma phenotype Hiroki Imada, Japan T. Tashima, K. Deguchi, T. Fujii, Y. Hirano, Y. Yazawa, T. Torigoe, J. Ichikawa, C. Muramatsu, S. Kanno, T. Kawasaki 044 Glomangioma of stomach mimicking GIST: case report Thanikachalam Pasupati Meenakshi, Malaysia B. Karikalan 045 HPV-associated mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the anal canal: a case report Mohamed Amine Bani, France A. Fitouri, P. Dartigues, S. Cotteret, J. Scoazec, A. Al Ghuzlan 046 Assessment of MMP9 expression in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and microscopic colitis (MC) as a prognostic factor and a possible therapeutic target Raluca Ardeleanu, Romania A. Bastian, A. Cioroianu, D. Raduta, M. Matanie, A. Cernat-Stefan, S. Sabo, A. Ciocan, M. Filip, C. Popp 047 Cystic mesothelioma of the peritoneum: a case report of an unusual tumour and litterature review Omar Mnif, Tunisia R. Ayadi, E. Braham, M. Mlika, A. Rais, A. Ayadi, O. Ismail, F. El Mezni 048 Paneth cell carcinoma: a rare subtype of gastric carcinomas Senay Erdogan-Durmus, Turkey S. Sengiz-Erhan, M. Gulluoglu, S. Aktas, A. Alemdar 049 A rare case of synchronous gastrointesti- nal stromal tumour and primary perito- neal mesothelioma – coincidental or not? Evelina-Nicoleta Ignat, Romania A. Cioroianu, L. Sticlaru, M. Cioplea, D. Raduta, M. Filip, S. Zurac 051 Histopathological evaluation of gastroin- testinal stromal tumours Sila Yilmaz Erozbek, Turkey Z. Bayramoglu, E. Kuzucular, F. Özden 052 Evaluation of mismatch repair status in colorectal carcinoma Sila Yilmaz Erozbek, Turkey Z. Bayramoglu, E. Kuzucular, F. Özden 053 Morphometric parameters of esophageal mucous in young people with gastroe- sophageal reflux disease and autoimmune thyroiditis Vitaliy Gargin, Ukraine N. Zhelezniakova, T. Bocharova, T. Pasiieshvili, L. Pasiyeshvili, V. Sakal 054 Did the COVID-19 pandemic impact the presentation and management of colorectal cancer in a Tunisian population? Ghada Sahraoui, Tunisia N. Kouki, K. Tlili, R. Doghri, L. Charfi, I. Ben Safta, K. Mrad

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