ECP 2022 Final Programme

E-Posters 126 E-PS-06 055 Tumour budding: a strong and reproducti- ble prognostic marker in stage II colorectal carcinoma Atika Baccouche, Tunisia N. Abdessayed, W. Majdoub, T. Zahmoul, H. Hamchi, O. Belkacem, M. Mokni, S. Hmissa 056 A retrospective study investigating how common serrated adenocarcinomas are and whether it is possible to identify from morphology and immunohistochemistry Abed Arnaout, United Kingdom A. Andrade 057 Neuroendocrine tumour arising from a Meckel's diverticulum: a rare entity Safouane Frini, Tunisia A. Baccouche, W. Majdoub, A. Bdioui, S. Mestiri, S. Hmissa 058 Adenosquamous carcinoma of the colon: study of 5 cases Syrine Moussa, Tunisia W. Majdoub, M. krifa, A. Baccouche, O. Belkacem, S. Ben Cheikh, A. Bdioui, S. Hmissa 059 Ulcerated colonic lipoma mimicking a gastrointestinal stromal tumour in Von Recklinghausen’s disease Safouane Frini, Tunisia A. Bdioui, S. Moussa, W. Majdoub, O. Belkacem, A. Baccouche, S. Hmissa 061 A rare case of extra genital non gesta- tional choriocarcinoma of the jejunum Sirine Ben Cheikh, Tunisia W. Majdoub, M. Krifa, S. Mestiri, A. Baccouche, S. Hmissa 062 Granular cell tumour of cecum: a case report James Philip Skliris, Greece S. Papadopoulou, N. Pastelli, I. Dimitriadis, I. Matzarakis, S. Papaemmanouil 063 ARID1A expression as a possible marker of gastric precancerous lesions Sergei Mozgovoi, Russia V. Rubtsov, A. Shimanskaya, E. Pomorgailo, S. Glatko, A. Kononov 064 An essential and efficient combination of immunohistochemical profiling for an accurate diagnosis and subclassification of extra mammary perianal Paget diseases Daniela Pereira, Portugal K. Jiang 065 A rare case of concomitant RAS and BRAF mutation in colon adenocarcinoma João Gama, Portugal A. Gomes, P. Teixeira, J. Madeira, C. Faria, V. Almeida, F. Ramalhosa, G. Fontinha, B. Sepodes, C. Courelas, A. Alves, R. Oliveira, M. Cipriano 066 Clinical and pathological features of the major duodenal papilla lesions Sirine Elfekih, Tunisia K. Ben Abdallah, F. Khanchel, H. Zaafouri, M. Tounsi, I. Helal, R. Hedhli, E. Ben Brahim, D. Trad, R. Jouini, A. Chadli 067 Constitutional mismatch repair deficiency as a differential diagnosis of neurofi- bromatosis type 1 – a case report Diana Ionelia Eneaa, France P. Benigni, A. Sayadi, C. Groulez, M. Svrcek 068 Gastrointestinal “juvenile-like (inflamma- tory/hyperplastic) mucosal polyps” as specific gastrointestinal manifestation of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) – a case report Diana Ionelia Eneaa, France X. Dray, E. Guillerm, A. Guilloux, M. Yver, P. Cervera, M. Svrcek

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