ECP 2022 Final Programme

E-Posters 133 ECP 2022 Basel E-PS-09 019 Serous cystadenofibroma and mature cystic teratoma. A rare case of collision tumours of the ovary Gabriela-Monica Stanc, Greece E. Souka, N. Novkovic, L. Karelis, G. Vorgias, C. Valavanis, H. Trihia 020 The immunohistochemical validation of Bcl-2 family proteins in ovarian cancer Anna Tregubova, Russia A. Zamaraev, B. Zhivotovsky, G. Kopeina, A. Magnaeva, A. Asaturova 021 Clinicopathological presentation and outcome of adult-type granulosa cell tumours of the ovary: a retrospective study of 24 patients Meriam Triki, Tunisia N. Ellouze, I. Saguem, M. Manai, W. Ghribi, T. Boudawara, M. Mellouli 022 CD34 as a predictive marker for the effect of autologous platelet rich plasma and autologous endometrial cells in treating infertile women with thin endometrium Anna Tregubova, Russia A. Asaturova, A. Magnaeva, Z. Efendieva, P. Veshnyakova, I. Apolikhina, D. Artemova, K. Butov, E. Kalinina, T. Fedorova, T. Fatkhudinov, G. Sukhikh 024 Mixed ovarian yolk sac tumour with mucinous carcinoma and ganglioneuroma in a postmenopausal female: a case report Chun Yuen Chow, Singapore S. Wong 025 Primary peritoneal psammocarcinoma: a case report and review of literature Imen Helal, Tunisia K. Ben Lazreg, F. Khanchel, S. Fkih, R. Hedhli, R. Jouini, A. Chadli 026 Solid mature teratoma associated with gliomatosis peritonei: a case report Ricardo Rolim, Portugal T. Resende, T. Cunha, F. Cunha, A. Felix 027 The role of mast cells in the morphogene- sis of cervical cancer Andrey Filin, Russia I. Sertakov, M. Popov, E. Verbitskaya, V. Shishkina 028 Vaginal sarcoma with COL1A1- PDGFB fusion: a rare and newly described fibrosarcoma like neoplasm Coca Mihaela Vieru, Spain F. Alijo Serrano, B. López Martínez-Bernal, M. Cebollero Presmanes, A. Van Der Biezen, M. Villca Huayta, M. Abascal, P. Nuñez Ramos, C. Agra Pujol 029 Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression in ovarian carcinoma Sabrine Dhouioui, Tunisia W. Babay, N. Boujelbene, S. Baroudi, H. Ouzari, K. Mrad, I. Zemni, I. Zidi 030 Metastatic epithelioid trophoblastic tumour: a case report Goncalo Martins Pereira, Portugal M. Araújo, J. Ferreira 031 Histological particularities of pulmonary phyllodes tumour metastasis: a case report Issam Msakni, Tunisia R. Aouadi, N. Mansouri, F. Gargouri, M. Ben Thayer, K. Tlili, B. Laabidi 032 Uterin spindle cell mesenchymal neoplazm, NTRK fusion-positive uterine sarcoma Bilge Konuk, Turkey C. Topal 033 Benign cystic mesothelioma: a rare case report Bilge Konuk, Turkey Ş. Çetin 034 E-cadherin and ber-ep4 expressions in tubal ectopic and intrauterine pregnan- cies Cansu Sönmez, Turkey N. Koç, B. Kaya

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