ECP 2022 Final Programme

E-Posters 143 ECP 2022 Basel E-PS-15 017 An automated deep learning based mitotic cell detection and recognition in whole slide invasive breast cancer tissue images Berkan Darbaz, Turkey S. Cayir, G. Solmaz, H. Kusetogullari, F. Tokat, E. Bozaba, S. Karakaya, L. Iheme, E. Tekin, C. Yazici, G. Ozsoy, S. Ayalti, K. Kayhan, U. Ince, B. Uzel, O. Kilic 018 Comparison of different nuclear segmen- tation algorithms on the digital image of HER2 FISH labeled breast cancer tissue sample Annamaria Csizmadia, Hungary V. Jonas, R. Paulik, T. Krenacs, B. Molnár 019 Development and assessment of sin- gle-cell image classification systems for hematological cytomorphology using convolutional neural networks Christian Matek, Germany 020 A reinforcement learning approach for automated scoring of immunohistochemi- cally stained mismatch repair genes Manahil Raza, United Kingdom R. Awan, R. Bashir, T. Qaiser, D. Snead, N. Rajpoot E-PS-15 E-Posters Molecular Pathology 001 Intratumoural heterogeneity with different resistant subclones in a treatment resistant gastrointestinal stromal tumour revealed through a novel tissue masking technology Xiu Fen Chen, Singapore T. Tay, G. Tan, R. Goh, J. Butler, T. Lim 002 Cellular and cell-free targetable mutations in non-small cell carcinoma: a compara- tive study Niraj Kumari, India R. Paturu, R. Lingaiah, S. Singh, N. Krishnani 003 Prediction of biochemical recurrence in TMPRSS2-ERG-positive prostate cancer by neural network based on pathway enrichment Vladislav Pavlov, Russia A. Kobelyatskaya, E. Pudova, A. Snezhkina, K. Nyushko, D. Kalinin, G. Krasnov, A. Kudryavtseva 004 Is next generation sequencing the new golden standard for ALK testing? The diagnostic journey of an atypical case Radu Pirlog, Romania N. Piton, F. Marguet, A. Lamy, J. Sabourin 005 Extractions made easy: fully automated extraction and quantitation of nucleic acid using GenexusTM purification system and ready to use consumables Thilanka Jayaweera, USA N. Siepert, B. Hradecky, E. Ostrowska, T. Delacour, K. Bramlett 006 Novel diagnostic value of driver gene transcription signatures to characterise clear cell renal cell carcinoma, ccRCC Zsuzsanna Ujfaludi, Hungary L. Kuthi, G. Pankotai-Bodo, S. Bankó, F. Sükösd, T. Pankotai 007 Pulmonary Adenocarcinoma: RET mutation in cfDNA NGS interpretation – case report Lina Carvalho, Portugal A. Ladeirinha, A. Alarcão, M. Silva, T. Ferreira, A. Rodrigues, C. Vilasboas, V. Sousa 008 Predictive testing in stage-IV NSCLC within a network of collaborating hospitals Betzabel Cajiao Garcia, The Netherlands A. van der Wekken, S. Willems, L. van Kempen, E. Schuuring E-PS-14

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