ECP 2022 Final Programme

E-Posters 145 ECP 2022 Basel E-PS-17 E-PS-16 004 The importance of renal biopsy in hematological neoplasms. A particular diagnosis Inmaculada Sánchez Ramírez, Spain F. Leiva-Cepas, J. Osuna Soto, M. Gálvez Medina, A. González-Menchén 005 Renal biopsy findings following comple- ment C5 inhibitor Ravulizumab treatment in a patient with C3 glomerulonephritis Sandor Turkevi-Nagy, Hungary B. Iványi, Z. Prohászka, D. Jakab, C. Bereczki 006 An atypical case of melanin deposition in kidney Selim Sevim, Turkey E. Isiktas Sayilar, I. Ergün, S. Kiremitci 007 An unusual case of diffuse lupus nephritis with features suggestive of overlapping cryoglobulinemic glomerulonephritis George Terinte-Balcan, Romania G. Stefan, S. Stancu, S. Cinca, M. Gherghiceanu 008 Late post-transplant focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after covid-19: causal factor or recurrence of primary disease? Julio Osuna Soto, Spain F. Leiva-Cepas, I. Sánchez Ramírez, M. Gálvez Medina, R. Ortega Salas 009 Tubulointerstitial nephritis and uveitis (TINU) syndrome: a case series Anastasios Stofas, Greece K. Palamaris, M. Destouni, A. Patereli, H. Theodoropoulou, C. Paliouras, K. Stylianou, H. Gakiopoulou 010 Tubulointerstitial nephritis and eosino- philia in renal biopsy. Prognostic marker? Fernando Leiva-Cepas, Spain C. Muñoz Martínez, M. Gálvez Medina, I. Sánchez Ramírez, R. Ortega Salas 011 The usefulness of IgG4 immunohisto- chemical staining in differentiation of idiopathic and secondary membranous nephropathy Maja Životic, Serbia M. Tubić, I. Filipović, G. Nikolić, S. Radojević Škodrić, D. Dunđerović, J. Filipović, J. Marković Lipkovski E-PS-17 E-Posters Neuropathology 001 Novel CLPTM1L-TERT fusion in an IDH-wt WHO Grade 4 left frontal glioma radiologically masquerading as a pilocytic astrocytoma Siang Hui Lai, Singapore P. Tang, X. Chen, B. Loke 002 Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma BRAF wildtype, grade 3 – an unique entity in a young patient Carlos Faria, Portugal F. Ramalhosa, J. Gama, J. Madeira, B. Sepodes, C. Courelas, O. Rebelo 003 One year of neuropathology during the pandemic – a review of central nervous system tumours diagnosed at the Bagdasar-Arseni Hospital, Bucharest during 2021 Diana Pasov, Romania C. Cocosila, M. Lisievici 004 Simple subependymal cyst derived from the floor of the third ventricle: a case report of an extremely rare midbrain location Chrysoula Gouta, Greece N. Flaris, V. Tsitouras, P. Monioudis, I. Venizelos 005 Anatomical distribution of cancer stem cells between enhancing nodule and FLAIR hyperintensity in supratentorial glioblastoma: time to recalibrate the surgical target? Giuseppe Broggi, Italy R. Altieri, F. Certo, G. Barbagallo, R. Caltabiano

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