ECP 2022 Final Programme

E-Posters 146 E-PS-17 006 Frontal intraosseous leiomyoma: an unusual case in a 15-months infant Nada Mansouri, Tunisia M. Ben Thayer, F. Gargouri, R. Aouadi, K. Tlili, I. Msakni, B. Laabidi 007 Myxopapillary ependymoma: a case report and literature review Anna Sifre Ruiz, Spain V. Caamaño, E. Camacho, A. Martínez Aracil, È. Iglesias, N. Santiago, M. Buda, A. Ruiz de Angulo Otxaran 008 Aggressiveness of astrocytoma IDH- mutant Cristian Ionut Orasanu, Romania M. Deacu, A. Docu, S. Popescu, S. Topliceanu, M. Aschie, M. Bosoteanu, G. Cozaru, R. Voda 009 Accuracy of anti-PHH3 antibody in meningioma grading Nada Mansouri, Tunisia M. Ben Thayer, F. Gargouri, K. Takout, R. Aouadi, K. Tlili, I. Msakni, B. Laabidi 010 A case of type 2 neurofibromatosis Madalin-Cosmin Filip, Romania C. Socoliuc, A. Bastian, M. Craciun, D. Raduta, E. Ignat 011 Supratentorial ependymoma, ZFTA fusion-positive: report of a new entity Manel Mellouli, Tunisia F. Kolsi, I. Saguem, O. Boudawara, L. Ayadi, T. Boudawara, S. Makni 012 Glioblastoma associated with a primitive neuroectodermal tumour of the brain as a poorly differentiated dimorphic malignant tumour in a 38-year-old man. A rare case report Alexander Romanov, Russia M. Mnikhovich, D. Pastukhova, T. Bezuglova, S. Snegur, L. Erofeeva, I. Shiripenko, O. Sidorova 013 FET-CREB fusion positive intracranial mesenchymal tumour: a case report Havva Gokce Terzioglu, Turkey F. Söylemezoglu, B. Babaoglu 014 Brain metastasis of exceptional origin: retrospective study in a single institution Manel Mellouli, Tunisia S. Graja, F. Kolsi, S. Makni, C. Kammoun, C. Chaari, S. Charfi, T. Boudawara, R. Kallel 015 Two cases of MN1-PATZ1 rearranged neuroepithelial tumours with different histopathological and clinical features Zita Reisz, United Kingdom A. Afshari-Mehr, S. Nevis, L. Bhaw, R. Laxton, B. Clark, B. Zebian, J. Lavrador, F. Vergani, R. Bhangoo, F. Carceller, S. Al-Sarraj, I. Bodi 016 Confusing intracranial calcified lesion Mohamed Malek Hamzaoui, Tunisia A. Zehani, S. Bouali, B. Chelly, A. Ayari, O. Belhadj, I. Chelly, H. Azouz, K. Bellil, S. Haouet 017 When the biomarkers decrease and the tumour increases: a case of intracranial growing teratoma syndrome Fátima Ramalhosa, Portugal I. Luz, A. Carvalho, J. Soares, O. Rebelo 018 WHO 2021 histopathological grading of atypical and anaplastic meningiomas Ismail Guzelis, Turkey F. Cakalagaoglu, I. Sevin, B. Yenen 019 Low-grade glioneuronal tumour with neuropil-like islands and FGFR1 mutation, a case report Maysa Al-Hussaini, Jordan A. Maswadeh, H. Sultan, B. Maraqa 020 Dysplastic gangliocytoma of the cerebel- lum (Lhermitte-Duclos disease): a rare case report Zainab Lajmi, Tunisia A. Bdioui, M. Krifa, W. Majdoub, A. Baccouche, S. Hmissa

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