ECP 2022 Final Programme

E-Posters 150 E-PS-21 E-PS-22 017 Adenosquamous carcinoma of the lung- biopsy: MET exon 14 skipping mutation Vitor Sousa, Portugal A. Alarcão, A. Ladeirinha, M. Reis Silva, T. Ferreira, A. Rodrigues, C. Vilasboas, L. Carvalho 018 Swyer James MacLeod Syndrome: an uncommon phenomenon Irina-Anca Eremia, Romania C. Anghel, S. Nica 019 A contemporary view at the pulmonary collapse Sergei Timofeev, Russia Y. Kirillov, D. Protsenko, A. Avdalyan, V. Sokov 020 The relevance of ACE2, TMPRSS2, and androgen receptor expression in male vulnerability to COVID-19 infection Luisa Di Sciascio, Italy F. Ambrosi, M. Riefolo, C. Ricci, L. Gabrielli, A. Degiovanni, G. Gaiba, P. Bertoglio, P. Solli, S. Damiani, A. D’Errico, M. Fiorentino 021 Prognostic impact of PD-L1 and PD-L2 expression in malignant pleural mesothe- lioma Sergen Yagci, Turkey M. Tepeoğlu, E. Canpolat, P. Bayık, M. Kılıç, B. Özdemir 022 Performance of AmoyDx HER2 mutation detection kit and AmoyDx Pan Lung Cancer PCR Panel for detection of common HER2 and/or EGFR mutations Ming Sheng, United Kingdom H. Brown, S. Dearden 023 Granulomatous lymphocytyc interstitial lung disease (GLILD) in CTLA-4 defi- ciency: case report María Luisa Abascal, Spain C. Vieru, S. Osorio, J. Gil, F. Menarguez, F. Díaz Crespo 024 Correlation of programmed Death Ligand-1 (PD-L1) expression with clinicopathological features in lung carcinoma in a Macedonian population Biljana Ognenoska-Jankovska, N. Basheska E-PS-22 E-Posters Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology 001 Infantile fibrosarcoma with EGFR rearrangement Kadriye Ebru Akar, Turkey E. Çeşmecioğlu Karavin, M. Say, H. Türköz 002 Extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma with novel NR4A3-PRRC1 fusion Kadriye Ebru Akar, Turkey E. Çeşmecioğlu Karavin, M. Say, H. Türköz 003 Two separate metastatic tumours synchronized in the lung: alveolar soft part sarcoma and leiomyosarcoma Merve Aydemir, Turkey N. Büyükpınarbaşılı 004 Atypical spindle cell lipomatous tumour: a rare case report Javier Baena-Del Valle, Colombia D. Bertel-Rodriguez, M. Palau-Lazaro 005 Development of epithelioid angiosarcoma as a rare and new complication of retained surgical gauze Marina-Alina Bara, Romania F. Almarii, V. Enache 006 Malignant solitary fibrous tumor of the mandibula: a case report Sirine Ben Cheikh, Tunisia A. Baccouche, M. Krifa, S. Mestiri, W. Majdoub, A. Bdioui, S. Hmissa 007 Osteosarcoma of the bone in patient with primary hyperparathyroidism Sirine Ben Cheikh, Tunisia A. Bdioui, S. Moussa, O. Belkacem, W. Majdoub, A. Baccouche, S. Hmissa

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