ECP 2022 Final Programme

Sunday, 4 Sept 168 ES-01 Industry Symposium 19:30–20:30 Boston Plasma Cell Enrichment in Multiple Myeloma Cytogenetic Testing: The Why, The How, and The When? (Abbvie) Chairs: Ramon Garcia Sanz, Spain Dinesh Rao, USA 001 19:30–19:35 Welcome and Introductions Ramon Garcia Sanz, Spain Dinesh Rao, USA 002 Overview of Cytogenic Testing in Multiple Myeloma, Importance of PCE for Cytogenet- ic Testing, and PCE Techniques Dinesh Rao, USA 003 Guideline Recommendations Ramon Garcia Sanz, Spain 004 Clinical Practice Implementation and Case Studies All Faculty 005 Summary and Q&A All Faculty ES-02 Industry Symposium 19:30–20:30 Osaka/Samarkand A case of biomarkers: revealing fresh evidence for locally advanced unresecta- ble or metastatic G/GEJ adenocarcinoma (Astellas) Chair: Josef Rüschoff, Germany 001 19:30–19:33 Welcome and introductions Josef Rüschoff, Germany 002 19:33–19:43 What do we know about locally advanced unresectable or metastatic G/GEJ adenocar- cinoma? Daniel Swinson, United Kingdom 003 19:43–19:58 The current evidence: Biomarker testing in locally advanced unresectable or metastatic G/GEJ adenocarcinoma Josef Rüschoff, Germany 004 19:58–20:13 New clues for locally advanced unresecta- ble or metastatic G/GEJ adenocarcinoma Matteo Fassan, Italy 005 20:13–20:18 How can we collaborate to solve the myster- ies of an evolving testing landscape? All faculty 006 20:18–20:28 Q&A Session All faculty 007 20:28–20:30 Symposium summary and close Josef Rüschoff, Germany e Monday, 5 September 2022 BRS-01 Industry Symposium 07:15–08:15 Singapore New approaches to testing for homolo- gous recombination deficiency (AstraZeneca) Chair: Albrecht Stenzinger, Germany 001 07:15–07:20 Welcome, introduction and housekeeping Albrecht Stenzinger, Germany 002 07:20–07:50 Novel approaches to genomic instability testing in ovarian cancer patients Albrecht Stenzinger, Germany 003 07:50–08:10 Implementing ctDNA testing in Prostate Cancer Tracy Tucker, USA 004 08:10–08:15 Q&A and closing remarks Albrecht Stenzinger, Germany BRS-02 Industry Symposium 07:15–08:15 Delhi Digital Pathology and AI Transforming Clinical Practice (Paige) Chair: Juan Antonio Retamero, Spain 001 Welcome and Introduction to Digital Pathology Juan Retamero, Spain Monday, 5 Sept Industry Symposia

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