ECP 2022 Final Programme
4 Welcome Address Dear Colleague, On behalf of the European Society of Pathology (ESP) and the Swiss Society of Pathology (SGPath) we are pleased to wel- come you to the 34th European Congress of Pathology (ECP 2022) in Basel, Switzerland. After two years of virtual congresses, we are excited to finally meet you all in person again. For a few days, Basel will be the centre for the international European pathology, bringing to- gether all stakeholders of pathology including pathologists, clinicians, molecular biologists, geneticists, bioinformati- cians, IT experts as well as our partners in the industry. The motto for the ECP 2022 – The Art of Next Generation Pathology – encompasses the broad range of modern patholo- gy, including next generation technologies as well as the next generation of pathologists, but also points to the intuition and passion necessary in pathology as part of the Art of Medi- cine for the best management and maximal benefit for our patients. As usually, the ESP working groups and affiliated societies have invested a lot of energy to prepare excellent state-of-the-art organ and topic-based sessions, including multiple joint sessions, updating and broadening the scope of organ-based pathology. Special sessions focusing on recent research findings have been organised jointly with other pa- thology and clinical scientific societies. Keynote lectures held by internationally recognised experts, oral free papers, posters, as well as sessions organised by our trainees cover a broad spectrum of topics – from cutting-edge scientific developments to more common problems in diag- nostic and academic pathology, as well as hot topics like im- plementation of artificial intelligence into pathology practice. Basel, generally considered the cultural capital of Switzerland, spans the arc between history and modernity, harbouring the first University of Switzerland, founded in 1460, international- ly known museums, a charming old town as well as a flor- id hotspot of biomedical research and industry. At the same time, cozy restaurants and places to stay invite you to spend your time together, cultivate old friendships and make new ones. We extend a warm welcome to you and look forward to sharing with you an excellent time in Basel. Aleš Ryška Gieri Cathomas Aleš Ryška, Czech Republic Gieri Cathomas, Switzerland President of the European Society of Pathology Chair of the Local Organising Committee of ECP 2022
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