ECP 2022 Final Programme
Wednesday, 7 Sept Scientific Programme a Wednesday 69 ECP 2022 Basel SC-18 Short Course 14:00–16:00 Shanghai Joint Short Course Autopsy Pathology & Pulmonary Pathology: Grossing lung pathology specimens Chairs: Myriam Metzger, Germany Federica Pezzuto, Italy 001 14:00–14:20 Lungs at autopsy Myriam Metzger, Germany 002 14:20–14:40 Lung surgical specimen Jan von der Thüsen, The Netherlands 003 14:40–15:00 Small biopsy specimens Paul Hofman, France 004 15:00–15:20 Lung explant specimen Federica Pezzuto, Italy 005 15:20–15:40 Lung specimens for research and tissue banking Sabina Berezowska, Switzerland 006 15:40–16:00 Q&A SY-23 Symposium 14:00–16:00 Osaka/Samarkand History of Pathology: Historical health institutions Chairs: Lina Carvalho, Portugal Mirella Marino, Italy 001 14:00–14:20 Historical health museums Gabriella Nesi, Italy 002 14:20–14:40 Historical health institutions in Latin America Rafael Jimenez, USA 003 14:40–15:00 Historical health institutions in Austria Roland Sedivy, Austria 004 15:00–15:20 British historical health institutions Matthew Clarke, United Kingdom 005 15:20–16:00 Q&A SY-24 Symposium 14:00–16:00 Rio Joint Symposium Pathology in Favour of Developing Countries & IT in Pathology: Joining forces! Improving diagnostic accuracy by telepathology Chairs: Giulia De Falco, United Kingdom Inti Zlobec, Switzerland Antonio Polonia Oliveira, Portugal 001 14:00–14:30 Digital screening of cervical cancer at the point-of-care Nina Linder, Finland 002 14:30–14:45 The telepathology model for primary diagnosis–an option to reduce health inequities Catarina Eloy, Portugal 003 14:45–15:00 Experience with telepathology in combina- tion with diagnostic assistance systems in countries with restricted resources Peter Fritz, Germany 004 15:00–15:15 Experiences in digital pathology and artificial intelligence from India Rajiv Kumar Kaushal, India 005 15:15–15:30 Joining forces: the Bern experience Heather Dawson, Switzerland 006 15:30–16:00 Q&A
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