ECP 2022 Final Programme
7 ECP 2022 Basel Keynote Speakers e Inti Zlobec (Switzerland) Inti Zlobec is Professor of Digital Pathology at the Institute of Pathology, University of Bern, Switzerland. She graduated with a PhD degree in Experimental Pathology, from McGill University, Montreal, Canada in 2007 before completing a post-doctoral fellowship at the Institute of Pathology, Uni- versity Hospital Basel, where she conducted tissue-based research in the field of colorectal cancer using biostatistical models. After habilitating in 2010, she received a position at the Ins- titute of Pathology, University of Bern, where she established the Translational Research Unit (TRU) and later led and mo- dernised the Tissue Bank Bern (TBB). Inti Zlobec became Associate Professor in 2014. Now, she leads an inter-disciplinary research group of students and researchers using artificial intelligence and machine learning as tools to study pathology images along with other data types to discover and validate novel prognos- tic and predictive biomarkers for colorectal cancer patients. Inti Zlobec is a member of the Executive Team of the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (CAIM) of the University of Bern, Co-Founder and President of the Swiss Consortium for Digital Pathology (SDiPath) and Chair of the European Society of Pathology (ESP) IT (Computational) Working Group.
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