ECP 2023 Abstracts

Oral Free Paper Sessions OFP-01 Oral Free Paper Session Digestive Diseases Pathology - GI OFP-02 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Gynaecological Pathology / Cytopathology OFP-03 Oral Free Paper Session Digestive Diseases - Liver/Pancreas OFP-04 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Uropathology / Nephropathology OFP-05 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Pulmonary Pathology OFP-06 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Endocrine Pathology / Head and Neck Pathology OFP-07 Oral Free Paper Session Dermatopathology OFP-08 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology / Autopsy Pathology OFP-09 Oral Free Paper Session Breast Pathology OFP-10 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Digital and Computational Pathology and Other Topics (Electron Microscopy / Pathology in Favour of Developing Countries / Cardiovascular Pathology) OFP-11 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Neuropathology / Ophthalmic Pathology OFP-12 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology / Infectious Diseases Pathology OFP-13 Joint Oral Free Paper Session Molecular Pathology / Haematopathology Oral Free Paper Sessions Computational Symposium One-Day Molecular Pathology Diagnostics and Translational Research Symposium CP-01 Computational pathology – Where do we stand? CP-02 Oral free presentations and Best Abstract Award MD-01 Selected Abstracts Poster Sessions PS-01 Poster Session Breast Pathology PS-02 Poster Session Digital and Computational Pathology PS-03 Poster Session Electron Microscopy PS-04 Poster Session Head and Neck Pathology PS-05 Poster Session Infectious Diseases Pathology PS-06 Poster Session Nephropathology PS-07 Poster Session Other Topics PS-08 Poster Session Dermatopathology PS-09 Poster Session Endocrine Pathology PS-10 Poster Session Gynaecological Pathology PS-11 Poster Session Haematopathology PS-12 Poster Session History of Pathology PS-13 Poster Session Ophthalmic Pathology PS-14 Poster Session Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology PS-15 Poster Session Thymic and Mediastinal Pathology PS-16 Poster Session Cytopathology PS-17 Poster Session Digestive Diseases Pathology - GI PS-18 Poster Session Neuropathology PS-19 Poster Session Paediatric and Perinatal Pathology PS-20 Poster Session Pulmonary Pathology PS-21 Poster Session Autopsy Pathology PS-22 Poster Session Cardiovascular Pathology PS-23 Poster Session Digestive Diseases Pathology - Liver/Pancreas PS-24 Poster Session Molecular Pathology PS-25 Poster Session Pathology in Favour of Developing Countries PS-26 Poster Session Uropathology E-Posters E-PS-01 E-Posters Autopsy Pathology E-PS-02 E-Posters Breast Pathology E-PS-03 E-Posters Cardiovascular Pathology E-PS-04 E-Posters Cytopathology

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