ECP 2023 Abstracts

S150 Virchows Archiv (2023) 483 (Suppl 1):S1–S391 13 Immunohistochemically tumour phenotype: CK7+, CDX-2+, CA125+, PAX-8-, WT-1-. Post-mortem diagnosis: biliary type adenocarcinoma of gallbladder with metastasis into left ovary, lungs, pleura, peritoneum. Conclusion: The described clinical case indicates that clinical and imaging signs of advanced gastric cancer are sometimes incorrectly evaluated and overdiagnosis is possible. Gallbladder cancer can mimic stomach cancer in terms of its clinical picture and spread. E-PS-01-017 Necropsy in the context of already diagnosed sickle cell anaemia: what are we missing? D. Nunes de Melo Braga*, M.V. Pereira dos Santos, M. Baquit Reis, D. Ribeiro Cavalcante, R.B. Egídio Miranda de Oliveira, A.L. Grangeiro de Sá Barreto Lima, S. Maria Macêdo, D. Nunes Oliveira, E. Tome de Sousa, J. Carneiro Melo *University of Fortaleza, Brazil Background & objectives: This study aimed to report the spectrum of pathological findings in autopsies of a patient with sickle cell anaemia (SCA), diagnosed at the age of five - who died at the age of 22 due to complications of the disease. This study aimed to report the spectrum of pathological findings in autopsies of a patient with sickle cell anaemia (SCA), diagnosed at the age of five - who died at the age of 22 due to complications of the disease. Methods: Literature review and evaluation of medical record of a 22-year- old patient who died; autopsy carried out by Service verification of Death. Literature review and evaluation of medical record of a 22-year-old patient who died; autopsy carried out by Service verification of Death. Results: Macroscopic and microscopic examinations revealed classic man- ifestations of ACS, caused by occlusion of the microvasculature around the organs. Areas of infarction in the spleen and liver, cerebral oedema with increased cerebrospinal fluid, and hepatomegaly were observed. The heart showed dilated cardiomyopathy with thrombotic processes and hypertro- phy of cardiomyocytes. The lungs showed septic and reddish infarcts and accumulation of fluid in the alveolar space, indicating acute pulmonary oedema. The kidneys showed nephropathy with increased weight and vol- ume in both organs and hypercellularity and lobulation of glomerular tufts seen under the microscope. These findings suggest a systemic pathology with serious consequences, requiring immediate and targeted treatment. Conclusion: This report elucidates the importance of necropsy even in the context of chronic diseases, such as ACS, highlighting the histopathological findings and their importance to the final diagnosis, as well as helping to fully understand the disease. This report elucidates the importance of necropsy even in the context of chronic diseases, such as ACS, highlighting the histopathological findings and their importance to the final diagnosis, as well as helping to fully understand the disease. E-PS-01-018 Diagnosis of tuberculosis using minimally invasive autopsy (MIA): case report D. Nunes de Melo Braga*, K.S. Coelho Gomes, M. Costa Cav- alcante, M. Martins Guanabara, V. Pedrosa Fernandes, S. Maria Macêdo, D. Nunes Oliveira, E. Tome de Sousa, J. Carneiro Melo *University of Fortaleza, Brazil Background & objectives: The objective is to analyse the importance of minimally invasive autopsies in diagnosing and studying infectious diseases. The analysis came from the case of the patient LMS, who died of hypovolemic shock due to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. The objective is to analyse the importance of minimally invasive autop- sies in diagnosing and studying infectious diseases. The analysis came from the case of the patient LMS, who died of hypovolemic shock due to the diagnosis of tuberculosis. Methods: In this case report, the patient who died at home was clini- cally monitored and taken to the Death Verification Service (SVO) in Fortaleza-Brazil to diagnose his death’s cause. The main technique used was the Minimally Invasive Autopsy (MIA), which includes the study of histopathology slides and the results of the AFB sputum test done before his death. In this case report, the patient who died at home was clinically monitored and taken to the Death Verification Service (SVO) in Fortaleza-Brazil to diagnose his death’s cause. The main technique used was the Minimally Invasive Autopsy (MIA), which includes the study of histopathology slides and the results of the AFB sputum test done before his death. Results: The patient received a positive sputum culture shortly before death and could not receive decent treatment for tuberculosis. The MIA (Minimally Invasive Autopsy), performed in this case, allowed the collection of fragments from several organs simultaneously, mak- ing it possible to confirm the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and affirm that the granulomatous inflammation reached the kidneys by microscopic observation of the removed tissues. In cases like this, where the family does not allow a conventional autopsy for various reasons; or when the cause of death is an infectious disease, MIA is the best and safest alternative to continue carrying out studies and data that can improve public health policies. The patient received a positive sputum culture shortly before death and could not receive decent treatment for tuberculosis. The MIA (Minimally Invasive Autopsy), performed in this case, allowed the collection of frag- ments from several organs simultaneously, making it possible to confirm the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis and affirm that the granuloma- tous inflammation reached the kidneys by microscopic observation of the removed tissues. In cases like this, where the family does not allow a conventional autopsy for various reasons; or when the cause of death is an infectious disease, MIA is the best and safest alternative to continue carrying out studies and data that can improve public health policies. Conclusion: The reported case is based on the use of MIA to endorse the patient’s hypotheses of death, confirming hypovolemic shock due to pulmonary tuberculosis. The performance of MIA is seen as a useful new technique for obtaining medical data that were previously only obtained by classic autopsy without the need to open the body. Considered rela- tively recent, the procedure, in addition to being more socially acceptable, also allows for the storage of samples for future research. The reported case is based on the use of MIA to endorse the patient’s hypotheses of death, confirming hypovolemic shock due to pulmonary tuberculosis. The performance of MIA is seen as a useful new tech- nique for obtaining medical data that were previously only obtained by classic autopsy without the need to open the body. Considered relatively recent, the procedure, in addition to being more socially acceptable, also allows for the storage of samples for future research. E-PS-01-019 A 61-year-old woman with an incidental retroperitoneal tumour found at autopsy: report case D. Nunes de Melo Braga*, B. Memória Feitosa, E. de Vasconce- los Lobo, L. Vieira Paz Sampaio, R. Borges de Mello Viana, J.L. Bezerra de Menezes Saraiva, S. Maria Macêdo, D. Nunes Oliveira, E. Tome de Sousa, J. Carneiro Melo *University of Fortaleza, Brazil Background & objectives: Autopsy serves as a valuable research tool method. Neoplasia consists of uncontrolled cell proliferation. However, when the offspring’s place of the neoplasia is indetermi- nate, it is important to make immunohistochemical. Thus, this study aims to show the relevance of immunohistochemical. Autopsy serves as a valuable research tool method. Neoplasia con- sists of uncontrolled cell proliferation. However, when the offspring’s

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