ECP 2023 Final Programme

E-Posters 126 E-PS-06 033 A descriptive case series of 11 patients diagnosed with Whipple's disease Marina Gómez Tena, Spain J. Martínez, J. Rodriguez Pous, A. Domingo Rubio, I. Blazquez, A. De Carvalho Ovalles, E. Quirós Arape, M. Paules Villar 034 Double opportunistic infectious duodenitis on a immunodeficiency syndrome background: is it primary or secondary? Alexandra Gont, Romania G. Becheanu, A. Haidar 035 Spatial transcriptome analysis and differences in immune cell infiltrate with respect to the prognostic biomarker Stroma Areactive Invasion Front Areas (SARIFA) in gastric cancer Bianca Grosser, Germany C. Heyer, N. Reitsam, D. Vlasenko, A. Probst, M. Schlesner, B. Märkl 036 Tertiary lymphoid structures before and after radiotherapy in rectal cancer (Dendritic cells – ROR γ t cells maintaining the immune balance) Maya Gulubova, Bulgaria I. Koni, I. Maria Magdalena 037 Immune cell content in primary Crohn’s disease of the appendix compare to tuberculosis of the appendix Maya Gulubova, Bulgaria C. Dimitur, Z. Georgi, P. Mariyana, H. Mehmed, I. Koni 038 Gastric adenomyoma: a challenging diagnosis Simona Gurzu, Romania A. Kovács, T. Bara, I. Jung 040 Mycobacterial infection mimicking Crohn’s disease and malignancy: a case report Zahida Hamid, United Kingdom A. Arnaout 041 Gallbladder leiomyomatosis: a rare incidental finding: a case report Sana Hidouri, Tunisia M. Hamdani, M. Walha, K. Bel Hadj Ali, Y. Maalej, A. Khabir 042 Schistosoma-induced appendicitis: a rare clinical entity – a case report Sana Hidouri, Tunisia M. Hamdani, S. Chahbani, M. Walha, K. Bel Hadj Ali, A. Khabir 043 Histologic analysis of rectal biopsy samples from patients with chronic idiopathic constipation Andrea Janegova, Slovakia M. Neszmeryova, R. Hustak, I. Kopecka, P. Janega 044 A rare localization of alveolar soft part sarcoma – A report of two cases Radmila Janković, Serbia S. Oprić, M. Denčić Fekete, M. Jovanović, M. Ðuknic, J. Jevtic, L. Simic, M. Mihajlović, N. Šimšić, J. Sopta 045 Acute measles gastritis: a rare case report Jovan Jevtic, Serbia L. Simic, M. Ðuknic, M. Korać, R. Janković 046 Demystifying ‘hyaline angiopathy’ of pulse granuloma in oral and extraoral surgical pathology- a case series of thirteen oral and five extraoral cases Rani Kanthan, Canada F. Sperandio 047 A case of gastric adenocarcinoma with enteroblastic differentiation and carcinosar- comatous feature Yeejeong Kim, Korea Y. Chun 048 Primary alveolar soft part sarcoma of the stomach: a rare case report Kyungbin Kim, Korea J. Ahn

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