ECP 2023 Final Programme

E-Posters 129 ECP 2023 Dublin E-PS-06 081 RAS status by Idylla technology-what’s about the invalid cases? Ghada Sahraoui, Tunisia H. Douik, L. Charfi, R. Doghri, I. Nasri, D. Ghezala, K. Mrad 082 A gastric follicular dendritic cell sarcoma: report of a rare incidental diagnosis Ghada Sahraoui, Tunisia F. Sassi, I. Zemni, S. Chaabouni, H. Guizani, L. Charfi, R. Doghri, K. Mrad 083 Incidental histopathological findings in sleeve gastrectomy specimens for weight management Emil Salmo, United Kingdom A. Cotterill 084 The role of H. Pylori infection and mast cells in the pathogenesis of inflammatory changes in the gastric mucosa Igor Sertakov, Russia V. Shishkina, A. Filin, V. Aralova 085 Undifferentiated esophageal carcinoma with sarcomatoid morphology : a case report and short literature review Efthymia Souka, Greece G. Galanopoulos, G. Stanc, P. Bafaloukos, S. Xinogalos, O. Tzaida 086 Skin metastasis of oesophageal gastrointes- tinal stromal tumour. A potential pitfall Helen Trihia, Greece E. Souka, G. Stanc, P. Bafaloukos, A. Mavrogiorgis 087 Massive intestinal bleeding in a patient with AL-amyloidosis initially diagnosed as multiple vascular malformation Olesya Vasyukova, Russia Z. Gioeva, L. Mikhaleva, R. Vandysheva, K. Midiber, N. Gutyrchik, V. Pechnikova, A. Birukov, D. Areshidze, M. Kozlova 088 Histopathological clues for common variable immunodeficiency disorder (CVID) in a patient initially presenting with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): case report and literature review Lars Velthof, Belgium J. Geldof, J. Van Dorpe, T. Lobaton, A. Hoorens 089 Immunohistochemical analysis of metasta- sis-associated protein 1 (mta-1), cyclin d1 and cd44 expression in gastric adenocarci- nomas and evaluation of their relationship with clinicopathological prognostic factors Ardan Vergili, Turkey N. Ekinci 090 Vascular lesions of the gastrointestinal system: a case series of 25 patients Ardan Vergili, Turkey N. Ekinci, A. Avci 091 Appendiceal diverticulosis with inflammato- ry fibroid polyp and hyperplastic polyp, a rare case report Ardan Vergili, Turkey N. Ekinci, C. Tavusbay 092 Expression of neuroendocrine markers in SWI/SNF deficient colorectal carcinomas Panagiota Vlachou, Greece F. Dolkiras, N. Stavrinou, E. Spiteri, E. Athanasiou, A. Therapontos, M. Lenos 093 Early stage (T1) colorectal cancer (CRC) following endoscopic resection in screening and non-screening populations; rates of residual tumour and lymph node metastasis (LNM) following oncological resection Cian Ward, Ireland N. Swan, N. Nolan, M. Cotter, D. Gibbons, K. Sheahan 094 Metastatic melanoma to the gallbladder – a case report Lynsey Williams, United Kingdom A. Arnaout

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