ECP 2023 Final Programme

Tuesday, 12 Sept 188 LS-11 Industry Symposium 13:00–14:30 Wicklow Hall 2 Digital Pathology in the Routine (3DHISTECH) Chair: Béla Molnár, Hungary 001 Harnessing Digital Cytopathology for Enhanced Quality Assurance Yosep Chong, South Korea 002 Can multilayer slide scanning improve AI-based identification of acid-fast mycobacteria in whole slide images? Arkadiusz Gertych, USA 003 Threading it together - the power of the end-to-end solution in digital pathology Laszlo Igali, United Kingdom ES-01 Industry Symposium 19:30–20:30 Liffey Hall 2 4oncommunity: driving precision diagnostics and oncology for the benefit of patients (Novartis) 001 19:30–19:45 4oncommunity from vision to reality: why this, why now? Nicola Fusco, Italy 002 19:45–20:00 4oncommunity in action: an interactive experience Fabio Pagni, Italy 003 20:00–20:15 4oncommunity in context: the evolving landscape of predictive molecular pathology Matteo Fassan, Italy 004 20:15–20:30 4-ward to the future: what’s on the horizon? Umberto Malapelle, Italy e Tuesday, 12 September 2023 BRS-03 Industry Symposium 07:15–08:15 Liffey Hall 1 Digital Dance: Waltz your way to a digitally driven workflow (Epredia) Chair: Maria Vittoria Traversa, Italy Sophie Prevot, France LS-12 Industry Symposium 13:00–14:30 Wicklow Hall 2 Escaping the maze of biomarker testing: A clear path for the future (Astellas) Chair: Nicole van Grieken, The Nether- lands 001 13:00–13:05 Welcome and introductions Nicole van Grieken, The Netherlands 002 13:05–13:20 Clues to the exit: Biomarkers in the treatment of G/GEJ adenocarcinoma Maeve Lowery, Ireland 003 13:20–13:40 Revealing a clear path: Achieving consistency in biomarker testing Nicole van Grieken, The Netherlands 004 13:40–14:00 Navigating the day-to-day changes and challenges of the IVDR Albrecht Stenzinger, Germany 005 14:00–14:15 Are we ready for action? (All Faculty) Nicole van Grieken, The Netherlands 006 14:15–14:28 Q&A session (All Faculty) Nicole van Grieken, The Netherlands 007 14:28–14:30 Symposium summary and close Nicole van Grieken, The Netherlands Industry Symposia Monday, 11 Sept

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