ECP 2023 Final Programme
22 Programme Overview per Day e Tuesday, 12 September 2023 Auditorium Liffey B Liffey A Wicklow Hall 2 07:15 – 08:15 Industry Satellite Symposia (see page 188) Registration e 07:00–18:00 08:30 – 12:00 09:30–10:30 Coffee Break + Poster Sessions SY DIGE (GI) Polyps and related lesions of the GI tract: an update SPEC LOC Challenges of 21st century pathology LC PULM & DCP Joint Digital pathology solutions in pul- monary pathology SS SPEC ESP & KHC Kansas Histopa- thology Club – lessons to be learned from a global success story Technical Exhibition e 09:00–17:15 12:15 – 13:00 ESP Symeonidis Lecture by Holger Moch, Switzerland Evolution of renal tumour classification 13:00 – 14:30 4 Lunch Industry Satellite Symposia (see pages 188–189) 14:45 – 16:45 SY DIGE (PANCREAS) & UEG Joint Stroma and inflammation in early pancreatic carcinogenesis SPEC ESP & IAP Joint Role of pathol- ogists in clinical trials. Practical aspects, educa- tion and future perspectives SC PULM & MOPA Joint When the liquid biopsy meets the pathologists VM DERM Pitfalls in dermatopathology 16:45 – 17:30 9 Plenary OFP Session (Foyer 3 rd Floor) 17:30 – 19:30 SC DIGE (GI) Endoscopically invisible GI tract entities: a selection SPEC ESP AI Task Force AI in Pathology: Standardisation and current regu- latory challenges SS PULM Intriguing cases of interstitial lung diseases VM URO New entities in WHO 2022 classification of GU tumours
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