ECP 2023 Final Programme

Sunday, 10 Sept Scientific Programme a Sunday 29 ECP 2023 Dublin LC-02 Long Course 08:30–12:00 Liffey A Head and Neck Pathology My approach to pattern analysis in salivary lesions Chairs: Ilmo Leivo, Finland Mary Toner, Ireland 001 08:30–09:00 Lymphoepithelial differentiation Stephan Ihrler, Germany 002 09:00–09:30 Oncocytic differentiation Alena Skálová, Czech Republic 003 10:30–11:00 Mucinous differentiation Roderick Simpson, Canada 004 11:00–11:30 Clear cell differentiation Isabel Fonseca, Portugal 005 11:30–12:00 Squamous differentiation Maria Pia Foschini, Italy LC-03 Long Course 08:30–12:00 Wicklow Hall 2 Electron Microscopy Infectious Diseases Pathology Neuropathology Joint Long Course: Neuropathology of CNS infections Chairs: Giovanna Cenacchi, Italy Nicole Van Der Wel, The Netherlands Marco Gessi, Italy 001 08:30–09:00 Mechanism of CNS infection and spectrum of pathogens Nicole Van Der Wel, The Netherlands 002 09:00–09:30 Controversial role of Chlamydia in brain lesions Vsevolod Zinserling, Russia 003 10:30–11:00 Diagnostic approaches and differential diagnosis Marco Gessi, Italy 004 11:00–11:30 The role of ultrastructural diagnostic in viral infections Laura Falasca, Italy 005 11:30–12:00 Safety (prions, etc); autopsy, biopsy and others Eyas Hattab, USA SY-01 Symposium 08:30–12:00 Wicklow Hall 1 Nephropathology Life of lesions in kidney diseases (+Business Meeting) Chairs: Anthony Dorman, Ireland Kerstin Amann, Germany 001 08:30–08:50 Life of tubulointerstitial lesions in kidney transplants Volker Nickeleit, USA 002 08:50–09:10 Life of vascular lesions in kidney transplants Agnieszka Perkowska-Ptasinska, Poland 003 09:10–09:30 Life of glomerular lesions in kidney transplants Heinz Regele, Austria 004 10:30–10:55 Life of lesions in lupus nephritis Harikleia Gakiopoulou, Greece 005 10:55–11:20 Pathologic findings in podocytes – from minimal change and FSGS to various hereditary and acquired diseases Fiammetta Ravaglia, Italy 006 11:20–11:45 Life of lesions in ANCA-associated glomerulonephritis Helmut Hopfer, Switzerland 007 11:45–12:00 Business Meeting Nephropathology Working Group Helmut Hopfer, Switzerland

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