ECP 2023 Final Programme

Tuesday, 12 Sept 57 Scientific Programme a Tuesday ECP 2023 Dublin LC-06 Long Course 08:30–12:00 Wicklow Meeting Room 1 Cytopathology The 2023 Bethesda System for reporting thyroid cytopathology Chairs: Syed Ali, USA Philippe Vielh, France 001 08:30–08:50 Introduction & General Overview Syed Ali, USA 002 08:50–09:10 2022 WHO Classification of Thyroid Tumours Lisa Rooper, USA 003 09:10–09:30 Non diagnostic & benign Sevgen Önder, Turkey 004 10:30–10:50 AUS/FN & oncocytic FN Syed Ali, USA 005 10:50–11:10 Papillary carcinoma Beatrix Cochand-Priollet, France 006 11:10–11:30 Medullary carcinoma & other tumours David Poller, United Kingdom 007 11:30–11:50 Molecular and ancillary testing Claudio Bellevicine, Italy 008 11:50–12:00 Q&A KNL-03 Keynote Lecture 12:15–13:00 The Auditorium Chairs: Aleš Ryška, Czech Republic Prodromos Hytiroglou, Greece ESP Symeonidis Lecture: Evolution of renal tumour classification Holger Moch, Switzerland SY-13 Symposium 14:45–16:45 The Auditorium Digestive Diseases Pathology – Liver/ Pancreas Joint Symposium Digestive Diseases Pathology (Pancreas) & UEG: Stroma and inflammation in early pancreatic carcinogenesis Chairs: Eva Karamitopoulou-Diamantis, Switzerland Irene Esposito, Germany 001 14:45–15:15 Stroma and inflammation in pancreatic cancer precursors: a histopathological overview Jérôme Cros, France 002 15:15–15:45 Dissecting the stroma composition in pancreatic cancer development Giulia Biffi, United Kingdom 003 15:45–16:15 The microenvironment of IPMN Claudio Luchini, Italy 004 16:15–16:45 How inflammation modulates early pancreatic carcinogenesis Jonas Rosendahl, Germany SPEC-09 Special Session 14:45–16:45 Liffey B Joint Special Session ESP & IAP: Role of pathologists in clinical trials. Practical aspects, education and future perspec- tives Chairs: Ghazi Zaatari, Lebanon Xavier Matias-Guiu, Spain 001 14:45–15:00 General view on the role of pathologists in clinical trials Iris Nagtegaal, The Netherlands 002 15:00–15:15 Training and accreditation standards Manuel Salto Tellez, United Kingdom 003 15:15–15:30 Guidelines for cellular and molecular content – SPIRIT-Path and beyond Tim Kendall, United Kingdom

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