ECP 2023 Final Programme

Wednesday, 13 Sept Scientific Programme a Wednesday 67 ECP 2023 Dublin 006 11:20–11:45 Nijmegen breakage and related syndromes Jennelle Hodge, USA 007 11:45–12:00 Wrap-up Fátima Carneiro, Portugal SC-21 Short Course 08:30–12:00 Wicklow Hall 2 Cardiovascular Pathology Pulmonary Pathology Joint Short Course: Diagnostic challeng- es in pulmonary vascular pathology Chairs: Louise Burke, Ireland Paolo Graziano, Italy 001 08:30–09:00 Pulmonary hypertensive vasculopathy Wim Timens, The Netherlands 002 09:00–09:30 Neoplastic vascular lesions Louise Burke, Ireland 003 10:30–11:00 Haemorrhage lung and angiitis: a pat- tern-based practical approach Paolo Graziano, Italy 004 11:00–11:30 Heart-lung interactions in pulmonary vascular disease Giulia D’Amati, Italy 005 11:30–12:00 Q&A SPEC-12 Special Session 08:30–12:00 Liffey Hall 2 Special Session Faculty of Pathology, RCPI: Quality improvement systems in pathology – why bother? Chairs: Kieran Sheahan, Ireland Niall Swan, Ireland 001 08:30–09:00 Promoting patient safety through systems improvement and error reduction Raouf Nakhleh, USA 002 09:00–09:30 Developing a national histopathology quality improvement programme: Irish perspective Ann Treacy, Ireland 003 10:30–11:00 Uncertainty in medicine, with pathology as paradigm: how far can quality improvement take us Conor O’Keane, Ireland 004 11:00–11:30 Lab accreditation in the era of molecular and digital pathology – expectations versus reality Aleš Ryška, Czech Republic 005 11:30–12:00 OECI (Organisation of European Cancer Institutes) accreditation – defining excellence in clinical care and research Maeve Lowery, Ireland SY-16 Trainee Session 08:30–12:00 Wicklow Hall 1 Trainees ESP Trainee Subcommittee: The M&Ms of pathology: morphological vs. molecular focus on diagnosis Chairs: Christos Poulios, Belgium Alexandra Vilaia, Romania Catarina Eloy, Portugal 001 08:30–08:45 Why is pathology the bridge between science and medicine? Christos Poulios, Belgium 002 08:45–09:00 The current tools of pathology Daniel Gomes Pinto, Portugal 003 09:00–09:20 Common pre-analytical errors in pathology Catarina Eloy, Portugal 004 09:20–09:30 Discussion 005 10:30–10:40 Case 1 Radu Pirlog, France 006 10:40–10:50 Case 2 Martina Bosic, Serbia 007 10:50–11:00 Case 3 Frances Reznitsky, Denmark

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