ECP 2023 Final Programme

8 Keynote Speakers e Jacqueline James (Ireland) Jacqueline James is Professor of Pathology at Queen’s Uni- versity, Belfast (QUB) and Director of the Northern Ireland Biobank ( . Jacqueline is also a Co- Director of the QUB Precision Medicine Centre of Excellence (PMC), ( ) and a Con- sultant Pathologist in the Northern Ireland Regional Molecu- lar Diagnostic Service. Jacqueline was instrumental in establishing the Northern Ireland Biobank ( ) and has been NIB Director since 2010. NIB was initially a cancer focussed bio- bank however, over the last decade Jacqueline has led the expansion of NIB’s infrastructure beyond cancer to support other diseases and has championed the release of high quality biosamples linked with reliable clinical and pathological data sets, including digital images, to researchers worldwide. Jacqueline is recognised as a leader in molecular and digital pathology. She co-led a Cancer Research UK Accelerator Pro- gramme which funded a collaborative network of academics from across the UK to drive forward digital pathology applica- tions in translational research and clinical practice. She was a co-PI in the PathLAKE UKRI National Consortium (https:// ) and is currently co-PI on a NIHR award focussed on development of AI tools for deployment in clini- cal pathology practice. Jacqueline was a former member of the UK’s Breast Cancer Now Tissue Access Committee and the Infrastructure & Data Working Group supporting the ROI’s National Genetics and Genomics Strategy and Implementation Framework. She is currently a member of the International Scientific Advisory Board of the National Irish COVID19 Biobank and was ap- pointed in 2022 as an advisor to Biobank Ireland Trust. Jacqueline James

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