ECP 2024 Final Programme

Sunday, 8 Sept 226 LS-06 Industry Symposium 13:00–14:30 Spadolini 6 Precision oncology research in lab: next generation pathologists with NGS biomarker testing Thermo Fisher Scientific Chair: Nicola Normanno, Italy 001 13:00–13:05 Welcome & introduction Nicola Normanno, Italy 002 13:05–13:30 Improving oncology patient care in the Lake Como Area with in house next day NGS Piergoirgi Modena, Italy 003 13:30–13:55 Exploring genomic signatures in Malignant Lymphoma: potential advantages for rapid detection of relevant biomarkers Geetha Monon, United Kingdom 004 13:55–14:20 Comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) in high-grade serous carcinoma using peritoneal effusion samples Wolfram Jochum, Switzerland 005 14:20–14:30 Q&A Nicola Normanno, Italy LS-07 Industry Symposium 13:00–14:30 Spadolini 7 Addressing routine challenges in modern pathology Vitro.Bio Chair: Guido Sauter, Germany 001 13:00–13:10 Introduction Guido Sauter, Germany 002 13:10–13:30 Tackling routine challenges: the power of automated staining Karen Villar Zarra, Spain 003 13:30–13:50 Advanced HPV detection: molecular pathology strategies for effective screening Miguel Angel Idoate Gastearena, Spain 004 13:50–14:10 Pathology in the digital age: overcoming security challenges with cutting-edge solutions Melchor Saiz Pardo, Spain 005 14:10–14:30 Discussion Guido Sauter, Germany ES-01 Industry Symposium 19:30–20:30 Spadolini 5 Digital transformation: journey to digital workflow Epredia Chair: Daniele Morpurgo, Italy 001 19:30–20:30 Digitizing workflow: steps taken in the pre-analytical and analytical stages for workflow opimization, ensuring a successful digital pathology project Catarina Eloy, Portugal e Monday, 9 September 2024 BRS-02 Industry Symposium 07:15–08:15 Spadolini 6 Power Hour: the importance of pathol- ogists for the success of clinical studies Eli Lilly and Company 001 07:15–07:20 Welcome and introduction 002 07:20–07:30 Introduction into clinical study management Lorenzo Gerratana, Italy 003 07:30–07:40 Biomarker testing in clinical trials Giancarlo Pruneri, Italy 004 07:40–07:50 IVDR requirements for clinical studies Albert Stenzinger, Germany 004 07:50–08:10 Q&A and Round-Table discussion Lorenzo Gerratana, Italy Giancarlo Pruneri, Italy Nicole Chavez Petronzi, Italy 006 14:15–14:30 Summary and close Albert Stenzinger, Germany Industry Symposia Monday, 9 Sept

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