ECP 2024 Final Programme

Monday, 9 Sept Molecular Pathology Diagnostics Symposium 80 e Monday, 9 September 2024 MD-01 MD Symposium 08:30–09:30 Spadolini 5 European Master Molecular Pathology (EMMP) – Project presentations Chairs: Sabine Merkelbach-Bruse, Germany Carina Heydt, Germany 001 08:30–08:40 Introduction Marius Ilié, France 002 08:40–08:50 Input of the molecular pathology in the diagnosis and clinical management of lymphoma patients Radu Pirlog, Romania 003 08:50–09:00 Bridging molecular pathology theory to clinical mastery: a beginner’s guide through the pathologist’s lens Ursa Maierhofer, Norway 004 09:00–09:10 Molecular analysis of undifferentiated small cell brain tumours in young adults and colonic adenocarcinoma associating TILs Robert Alexandru Barna, Romania 005 09:10–09:20 Our experience with the EMMP internship at the Institute of pathology and neuro- pathology in Tübingen Martina Bosic, Serbia 006 09:20–09:30 Artificial intelligence (AI) in pathology daily routine: verification of AI performance & understanding of the human-machine interaction Antonia Syrnioti, Greece MD-02 MD Symposium 10:30–12:00 Spadolini 5 Data evaluation and variant interpretation Chairs: Johan Botling, Sweden Carina Heydt, Germany 001 10:30–10:48 Cancer genome interpreter: identifying the drivers of cancer to improve genomic interpretation Santiago Demajo, Spain 002 10:48–11:06 Standards for the classification of patho- genicity of somatic variants in cancer (oncogenicity): Joint recommendations of Clinical Genome Resource (ClinGen), Cancer Genomics Consortium (CGC), and Variant Interpretation for Cancer Consortium (VICC) Peter Horak, Germany 003 11:06–11:24 A new set of in silico tools to support the interpretation of ATM missense variants using graphical analysis Luz-Marina Porras, USA 004 11:24–11:42 Leveraging large language models for decision support in personalised oncology Manuela Benary, Germany 005 11:42–12:00 A systematic analysis of deep learning in genomics and histopathology for precision oncology Jakob Kather, Germany

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