ECP 2024 Final Programme
Poster Sessions a Sunday 84 Sunday, 8 Sept PS-01 e Sunday, 8 September 2024 PS-01 Poster Session 09:30–10:30 Poster Exhibition Poster Session Autopsy Pathology Chair: Emilian Olteanu, Romania 001 Anatomical spectrum of VACTERLS association: a multi-case pathological analysis María Augusta Abad Vintimilla, Spain S. Quinones, P. Voinescu, R. Regojo 002 Attitude towards autopsy in Oman Sara Al Harthi, Oman J. Al Habsi 003 Exploring tumour evolution in advanced colorectal cancer: comprehensive genomic profiling integrating tissue and liquid biopsy insights in a research autopsy case Sebastian Dintner, Germany L. Siebenhüter, R. Ihringer, E. Sipos, S. Eser, A. Probst, T. Kröncke, B. Märkl 004 Spleen inflammatory response to lethal respiratory viral infection - a comparison between AH1N1 and COVID-19 Georgiana Amelia Dumbrava, Romania S. Zurac, A. Vilaia, C. Dumitru, C. Popp 005 Skeletal dysplasia: ultrasound, macroscopic, radiological, and genetic findings Katherine Goncalves Villarreal, Spain E. Oliva Domínguez, I. Garcia Miranda, I. Orbegozo Arizabalaga, M. Ramírez Feliz, J. Iparraguire Santiago, A. del Campo Real, I. Llano Rivas, L. Zaldumbide Dueñas, L. Mosteiro Gonzalez 006 Causes of death among patients who died within 24 hours of hospital admission: an autopsy study Miloš Ðuknic, Serbia R. Jankovic, M. Jovanović, J. Jevtić, D. Gujaničić, S. Glumac 007 Non-traumatic haemorrhages in the brain and its membranes in infants Bokhodir Magrupov, Uzbekistan V. Kochetov 008 Autopsies performed in the period 2020-2022 in a secondary care hospital: impact of the pandemic over clinical-patho- logical discordances Yaiza Rey Fanjul, Spain A. Licetti Bermúdez, E. Mateo Álvarez, C. Grau Polo, D. Rodriguez Villar, P. Gonzalvo Rodríguez, J. Cuevas Fernández, E. Asensi Miranda, R. Rodríguez Aguilar 009 Postmortem ultrasound cerebellar measurements in the evaluation of gestational age. Innovative use of postmor- tem ultrasound cerebellar measurements for estimating gestational age in perinatal deaths: an observational cross-sectional study Leonardo Antonio Rojo Muchacho, Spain N. Peñuelas, L. Marimon, N. Carreras, G. Arca, J. Ordi, N. Rakislova 010 Clinical and morphological aspects of SARS-CoV-2 induced endotheliopathy in “gas” and haemorrhagic complications Vsevolod Zinserling, Russia N. Semenova, D. Gusev, K. Medvedev, N. Kokhanenko, K. Borta PS-02 Poster Session 09:30–10:30 Poster Exhibition Poster Session Breast Pathology Chairs: Anikó Kovács, Sweden Alicia Córdoba, Spain 001 Multidisciplinary approach in stratifying risk of upgrade and tailoring management in ADH patients Constance Albarracin, USA I. Bedrosian, H. Chen, Y. Wu PS-02
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