ECP 2024 | Preliminary Programme

16 Further Sessions e Computational Pathology Symposium The Computational Pathology Symposium, now in its ninth edition at ECP, brings together distinguished speakers from academia and industry to share insights and foster discussions on the advancements in applying AI to histo- pathology. This year, we focus on challenges around validation of cutting-edge AI technologies for cellular pathology. We extend a warm invitation to all stakeholders engaged in the development, validation and integration of AI into their workflows. This includes pathologists, AI researchers, scientists, technicians, and lab managers from hospitals, academic institutions, and the industrial sector. Our aim is to cultivate wide-ranging interactions and collaborations. The Computational Pathology Sym- posium programme will feature lively panel discussions, complementing our line-up of invited talks and presenta- tions submitted by participants. Organisers of the symposium: e Nasir Rajpoot, UK e Darren Treanor, UK e Jeroen van der Laak, The Netherlands e Inti Zlobec, Switzerland (Digital and Computational Pathology WG Chair) e António Polónia Oliveira, Portugal (Digital and Computational Pathology WG Co-Chair) e Symposium on Molecular Pathology Diagnostics and Translational Research We are pleased to invite you to the tenth “Symposium on Molecular Pathology Diagnostics and Translational Research”. Our programme for 2024 includes molecular approaches with clinical applications in oncology as well as newest developments of modern technologies and the analysis of biomarkers. The major goals for scientists wor- king together with pathologists and clinicians in the field are to provide high quality molecular diagnostics, but at the same time to translate basic research discoveries into clinical practice. The symposium will address and discuss current advances, but also challenges and problem-solving approaches in the field of molecular pathology. Not only molecular biologists, but also pathologists and other par- ticipants are more than welcome to join this symposium! Get the latest insights in precision medicine and how they directly impact testing and treatment decisions. The symposium will cover the following topics: e European Master Molecular Pathology (EMMP) – Project presentations e Data evaluation and variant interpretation e Advancement in new technologies e Update on gynaecological tumours Organisers of the symposium: e Johan Botling, Sweden e Erik Jan Dubbink, The Netherlands e Carina Heydt, Germany e Gerald Höfler, Austria e Caterina Marchio, Italy e Matthias Matter, Switzerland e Sabine Merkelbach-Bruse, Germany Further information will also be available online at . virtual and on-site

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