7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

14 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Thursday, 26 September 2019 P-03-005 Neurochemical and brain functional changes in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex of first- episode psychosis patients FA combined func- tional magnetic resonance imaging – proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study H. Cen, Shanghai, People‘s Republic of China K. Zhuo, Q. Xiang, H. Gan, Y. Pan, P. Xu, X. Li, Z. Zhai, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, D. Liu P-03-006 Neurometabolic basis of subclinical psychotic experiences in early adolescents N. Okada, Tokyo, Japan N. Yahata, S. Koike, S. Ando, A. Nishida, K. Kasai P-03-008 The effects of atypical antipsychotics on re- gional cortical thickness and functional con- nectivity in patients with first-episode schizo- phrenia: A 6-months longitudinal study Y. Pan, Shanghai, People‘s Republic of China K. Zhuo, Q. Xiang, H. Gan, P. Xu, X. Li, H. Cen, Z. Zhai, Y. Zhu, Y. Li, D. Liu P-03-009 Neuropathological background of dementia symptoms in the illness process of schizophre- nia (formerly called Dementia praecox) A. Miwa, Nagoya, Japan Y. Torii, S. Iritani, H. Sekiguchi, C. Habuchi, H. Fujishiro, M. Hirano, M. Yoshida, K. Iwai, K. Kawashima P-04 POSTER SESSIONS 13:30–14:30 Event Area, Ground Floor Neuropsychology I Chair: P. Uhlhaas, Glasgow, United Kingdom P-04-001 Efficiency of the performance of visual percep- tual tasks in patients with schizotypal disorder E. Abdullina, Moscow, Russia M. Vinogradova, A. Chepeliuk, A. Tkhostov P-04-002 Impact of context on visual stream activation in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SDD) E. Brown, Canberra, Australia B. Christensen, M. Edwards, S. Goodhew P-04-003 Elucidating dorsal stream deficits in schizo- phrenia spectrum disorders using visually guided movement E. Shen, Canberra, Australia D. Westwood, S. Goodhew, M. Edwards, B. Christensen P-04-005 Weakened association between available in- formation and confidence in delusional ideation T. Erdmann, Trieste, Italy C. Mathys

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