7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

15 Thursday, 26 September 2019 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME P-04-006 Neurocognitive impairment with schizophrenic patients at different stages of the disease in case with and without long-term treatment J. Mukhitova, Saint-Petersburg, Russia E. Isaeva, I. Shoshina, I. Tregubenko, J. Simon P-04-007 Verbal abstract reasoning in average-onset and late-onset schizophrenia patients: Pilot-study E. Abdullina, Moscow, Russia Y. Panikratova, G. Rupchev, M. Savina, V. Sheshenin, D. Tikhonov, V. Kaleda P-04-008 Long-term changes in semantic encoding strat- egy among first-episode psychosis patients C. Bärthel Flaaten, Oslo, Norway I. Melle, C. Simonsen, T. Bjella, M. J. Engen, B. Haatveit, A. Vaskinn, T. Ueland P-04-009 Influence of luminance and contrast of visual stimuli on working memory performance and its dysfunctions in schizophrenia C. Haenschel, London, United Kingdom J. Martinovic, J. Barbur, M. Kosilo SA-01 STATE-OF-THE-ART-LECTURES 14:30–16:00 Plenary Pathophysiology and pharmacological treatment Chair: E. Meisenzahl, Düsseldorf, Germany SA-01-001 Systems neuroscience of psychosis – mapping schizophrenia onto the brain W. Strik, Bern, Switzerland SA-01-002 Pharmacological treatment strategies in case of non-response G. Gründer, Mannheim, Germany

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