7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

16 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME | Thursday, 26 September 2019 S-05 SYMPOSIA 14:30–16:00 Harvard Clinical high risk for psychosis in children and adolescents: Findings of the Bi-national Evaluation of At-Risk Symptoms in children and adolescents (BEARS-Kid) study Chairs: F. Schultze-Lutter, Düsseldorf, Germany M. Franscini, Zurich, Switzerland S-05-001 Prediction of psychosis in children and ado- lescents F. Schultze-Lutter, Düsseldorf, Germany P. Walger, M. Franscini, N. Traber-Walker, B. G. Schim- melmann, C. Michel S-05-002 The two-year course of clinical high-risk cri- teria in children and adolescents C. Michel, Bern, Switzerland S-05-003 Prevalence of clinical high-risk criteria in chil- dren and adolescents not suspected to develop psychosis F. Schultze-Lutter, Düsseldorf, Germany P. Walger S-05-004 Role and impact of comorbidities in children and adolescents with a clinical high risk of psychosis M. Franscini, Zurich, Switzerland S-06 SYMPOSIA 14:30–16:00 Stanford Pathophysiology and treatment of cogni- tive dysfunction in schizophrenia – new perspectives Chairs: R. Bittner, Frankfurt am Main, Germany H. Ehrenreich, Göttingen, Germany S-06-001 Neuroprotective and pro-cognitive effects of erythropoietin H. Ehrenreich, Göttingen, Germany S-06-002 Fronto-parietal networks and working memory dysfunction in schizophrenia F. Schlagenhauf, Berlin, Germany S-06-003 Impaired and intact attentional processes dur- ing working memory encoding in schizophrenia R. Bittner, Frankfurt amMain, Germany S-06-004 Virtual reality training for social skills in schizo- phrenia L. Torregrossa, Nashville, USA

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