7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

17 Thursday, 26 September 2019 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME O-01 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 14:30–16:00 Princeton Genetics and neurobiology Chair: K. Bechter, Guenzburg, Germany O-01-001 Multiplexed single-nucleus RNA sequencing of post-mortem human prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder B. Ruzicka, Belmont, USA D. Tso, M. Hourihan, S. Subburaju O-01-002 Gene x environment in schizotypy: The effect of polygenic schizophrenia risk is dependent on cumulative environmental influences T. Meller, Marburg, Germany S. Schmitt, F. Stein, T. Andlauer, U. Dannlowski, A. Krug, T. Kircher, I. Nenadic O-01-003 Autism dampens psychosocial dysfunction in psychosis spectrum disorders A. Abu-Akel, Lausanne, Switzerland R. Upthegrove, K. Chisholm, A. Lin, P. Hansen, S. Gil- lespie, I. Apperly, C. Montag O-01-004 Phencyclidine intensifies the intrinsic neocor- tical network activity and stereotypes the re- sponses to external stimuli J. Norrlid, Lund, Sweden H. Jörntell O-01-005 Neurobiological mechanisms disfunction of temporolimbic and prefrontal cortex systems associations in hallucinatory paranoid syn- drome A. Arkhipov, Moscow, Russia G. Rodionov, A. Maslennikova C-01 COURSES 14:30–18:00 Yale 2 Artificial intelligence/machine learning in psychiatry N. Koutsouleris, Munich, Germany D. Dwyer, Munich, Germany The attendance of this course requires an additional registration fee.

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