7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

23 Friday, 27 September 2019 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME S-14 SYMPOSIA 10:30–12:00 Stanford Visual perceptual dysfunction in schizo- phrenia: Psychophysical, neurobiological and computational perspectives Chairs: P. Sterzer, Berlin, Germany P. Uhlhaas, Glasgow, United Kingdom S-14-001 (Visual) endophenotypes in schizophrenia re- search M. H. Herzog, Lausanne, Switzerland J. Ramos da Cruz, O. Favrod, A. Shaqiri, A. Brand, M. Roinishvili, E. Chkonia S-14-002 Disordered predictions of sequences at the milisecond level leading to self-disorders in patients with schizophrenia A. Giersch, Strassbourg, France C. Duval, J. Krieg, T. Schwitzer, E. Marques Carneiro S-14-003 A predictive-coding account of altered percep- tual inference in schizophrenia V. Weilnhammer, Berlin, Germany P. Sterzer S-14-004 Neural oscillations in visual cortices in schizo- phrenia indicate a disturbance in excitation/ inhibition parameters P. Uhlhaas, Glasgow, United Kingdom O-04 ORAL PRESENTATIONS 10:30–12:00 Princeton Neuropsychology Chair: W. Wölwer, Düsseldorf, Germany O-04-001 Reading skills in schizophrenia: What we know and what we need to know? M. Vanova, Uxbridge, United Kingdom L. Aldridge-Waddon, D. J. Roberts, B. Jennings, T. N. Wydell, V. Kumari O-04-002 The influence of positive and negative symp- toms on decision-making in schizophrenia G. Pfuhl, Tromsø, Norway W. ten Velden Hegelstad, T. Simensen O-04-003 Delusional ideation as the result of error signal dysregulation in the assessment of correlation B. Christensen, Canberra, Australia A. Harrison O-04-004 Meta-analysis of cognitive performance in drug-naïve patients with schizophrenia H. Fatouros-Bergman, Stockholm, Sweden S. Cervenka, L. Flyckt, G. Edman, L. Farde O-04-005 Empathy measures in individuals at ultra high risk for psychosis D. J. Kuis, Groningen, The Netherlands T. van de Giessen, B. E. Sportel, M. aan het Rot, M. van Enthoven, R. van Donkersgoed, J. Arends, N. Boonstra, G. Pijnenborg O-04-006 Training of facial affect recognition in schizo- phrenia: Transfer effects to theory of mind A. Vaskinn, Oslo, Norway A. Løvgren, M. K. Egeland, F. K. Feyer, T. Østefjells, O. A. Andreassen, I. Melle, K. Sundet

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