7th European Conference on Schizophrenia Research

29 Friday, 27 September 2019 | SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME S-16 SYMPOSIA 14:30–16:00 Stanford Basic symptoms in research and clinic: Past, presence and future Chairs: F. Schultze-Lutter, Düsseldorf, Germany J. Klosterkötter, Cologne, Germany S-16-001 History and origins of the basic symptom concept J. Klosterkötter, Cologne, Germany S-16-002 Basic symptoms in the early detection of psy- chosis: New findings F. Schultze-Lutter, Düsseldorf, Germany S-16-003 Basic symptoms in manifest psychosis and re- lapse detection E. Eisner, Manchester, United Kingdom S. Bucci, N. Berry, R. Emsley, C. Barrowclough, R. Drake S-16-004 The assumed ‘substrate closeness’ of basic symptoms: Neuroanatomical evidence N. Koutsouleris, Munich, Germany S-17 SYMPOSIA 14:30–16:00 Princeton The impact of social adversity on psycho- sis-like experiences along the normal to clinical continuum – a biological and be- havioural analysis of social reactivity Chairs: P. Premkumar, Nottingham, United Kingdom N. Barrantes-Vidal, Barcelona, Spain S-17-001 The association between social stress with schizotypy traits and psychotic-like experiences in the flow of daily life N. Barrantes-Vidal, Barcelona, Spain M. Monsonet, A. Racioppi, T. R. Kwapil S-17-002 Schizotypy and its relation to the physiological response to social stress, and the event-related potentials of sensitivity to criticism and praise P. Premkumar, Nottingham, United Kingdom P. Alahakoon, D. Babu, M. Smith, J. Baker S-17-003 The brain structural correlates of perceived social rejection in people with schizotypal traits S. Tognin, London, United Kingdom M. Antoniades, V. Kumari, E. Kuipers, P. Premkumar S-17-004 Social reward processing and responding in schizophrenia: A systematic review and meta- analysis L. Aldridge-Waddon, London, United Kingdom M. Vanova, I. Puzzo, V. Kumari

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